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2008-02-23 - 8:04 a.m.

I should be locked away?
Cuz I'm thinking about it...
I can't help the way I feel
(wanting to hurt myself)
but I don't want to go to a
metal hospital again, no,
they'll just shove pills and
pills down my throat and
then I'll be dependant on
pills. That was five years
of my life wondering when
the strands were gonna
break and the pills were
going to stop working. I
can't do that again. But I
can't stop thinking about
hurting myself, I don't know
why I feel like this, I don't
want to, trust me, it's gross
and ugly and I'm very sad
and ashamed by the way I
feel right now. I hope I can
get myself out of this before
these thoughts get too big
and consuming to control.
I promise I'll tell someone
if they do and I'll get help.
Please pray for me. I'm scared.
xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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