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2007-04-19 - 9:24 p.m.

So this person that shall remain anonymous tried to start drama over the myspace with me. Whatevers, person. I havn't talked to you in like a year and when I did it was to trying to help you so shut the hell up and get a life, grow up. This isn't high school so quit the drama. blah.

Another person also myspace e-mailed me and it caught me completely by surprise in a good way and was cool to me. That's awesome, it made me smile. :) I'm glad.

Mike came around and talked to me for a little bit a few times today, that was nice. I'm going to miss him and worry about him when he goes back to the marines. Argh, military...I miss Victor and Gabriel

I saw James, he talked to me for a while and I rang him up. He asked me if I was going to school today and if I was doing anything. I wanted to go to this Monsters are Waiting performance but the 405 freeway didn't sound like fun. James agreed. I realize that we're were we are in interest for eachother but I guess if we were to go farther, we fear loosing what we have maybe. The last time this sorta thing happened (this hesitation to say anything about feelings) was with Vidal. Maybe this is a good thing that we're not stepping forward and confessing anything. . .

I ran into Ernest and his girlfriend at Hot Topic. :) I got really kick-ass looking stockings for my outfit for the Think Tank (ONLY 9 DAYS AWAY, PEOPLES!!!!!) and two pins, one that says "LOVE ME" with a pink heart and the other that says "LOVE ME NOT" with a broken red heart in the back. I have that one on me sweater. :D I <3 Hearts!!!! Got stickers for my nails. :) GOT MY HAIR CUT! AND DYED! :D (pics to come, I still need to re-upload my software for my camera.

I'm so fucking tired after getting only 3 hours of sleep last night. I had a REALLY big fucking teary-eyed, crying my eyes out fight with Tak and it hurt me really bad and left my head swimming with all sorts of thoughts and I was already feeling shitty cuz of that stupid drama person, so that didn't help. Meow. But I'm a lot better now. Tak and I talked for like, two hours after I got out of work and we're alright now but last night was like, fuck, omg, it was horrible. I never want to be like that with him again. I love him. <3 I want to see him but this weekend I'm not going to be able to.

I realized that maybe I'm a tinge depressed and I havn't really focused on it because I'm so focused on other things. This person brought up a really bad part of who I used to be and threw me into a thick depression all day but it lifted itself after I come to the fact that it would only be horrible if I was still doing those kinds of things and didn't learn my lessons about it. But I have and I did and I'm moving on, I don't go back to that and I'm happier for it. I'm doing good things with my life and nothing's going to stop me from getting what I want and what I need. NO ONE AND NOTHING!!! In the words of the beautiful Simara Rose, PERSAFUCKINVERE!! (Love that gal)

So today's my dad's 55th b-day!!!! WOO! He's old like dirt! LOL I told him this morning that he can get the senior discounts now LOL My dad does NOT look that old, a lot of people still think he's in his mid-forties, I hope to age as gracefully as he. :) I got him a really kick-ass card and a $35 gift cert. to Sears. He liked it much. My mom got him $100, we went to Target and he bought spiderman toys LOL my dad collects toys n stuff. We ate at KFC for his dinner. :)

I'm dog tired. Tomorrow's Jeans day! WOO! :)


look at me marge, I'm as dirty as a Frenchman, tomorrow I might be dead

past rants - future ramblings

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