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2004-07-01 - 12:49 a.m.

(First off, I should share that yesterday, Little Brother almost got arrested for branishing a firearm at the neighbors yesterday.)

So, I woke up this morning, and I was feeling pretty good. I woke up and my hair looked GREAT!!! Swear! Anywho, Little Brother, Jordan and his stupid friends where here and I was like, "Oh, great, they're having one of their stupid kick-backs" >:( Maggot and Derick were getting the boys some beer (which they really need ::rollseyes::) and for some reason Jordan had the great idea to call Koda over to come over. This pissed off Little Brother because his new girly friend (that he's trying to get to know) who's called Lisa was supposed to come over but Koda and Lisa don't get along and since Koda was comming over for sure for sure, Lisa couldn't come over. :( So from that point on, Little Brother was pissed (and boy, do I mean PISSED!) at Jordan.

The ending list for the party was these peeps: Little Brother (who's pissed), Jordan (who's pissed at Little Brother for being pissed at him), Kyle (the Nazi, yet he hangs out with a bunch of Mexicans/Egyptians/???), Robert (the "Virgin" cuz he's so young), Videl (aka El Borracho (meaning The Drunk) who didn't really drink today! And he's in PMS!), Maggot (another PMS member, who didn't really stay or show his face cuz he was mad), Play Brother (who was filling out his NET Ministries papers and using my house as a f*cking Office Max), Thomas (who's also in PMS) [PMS is Pure Metal Society, a drinking crew where you can only join if you can handle a lot of alcohol. And I mean a LOT!!!), Inez (Jordan's ex-chick--she's only 13!) Koda (Little Brother's ex-girlfriend with loose morals, trust me), Abbey (a dude who's always drunk and doesn't know the dif between a bedroom and the bathroom), Krystal (a metal-head chick who's super cool!), Derick (I hung out with him in high school-he doesn't really like me. He's a stoner/drunk/junkie) and myself. Tonzy and Mela almost came but I knew that from the begining that this wasn't a place for them to be. I couldn't handle more people at that point.

Most of PMS (except for Maggot-he had to go to a Boy Scout Meeting), Derick and Krystal go to the back yard to drink and play the drum set and guitar. Jordan and Little Brother have words about how Little Brother didn't want to have Koda there because she was acting a fool. For some stupid reason, Kyle, Inez, Koda, and Jordan go to the next door neighbor's house to drink. Really smart. I don't know what to do at this point becase Little Brother is literally crying his eyes out and cutting his arms because of the mere presence of Koda and Play BRother is actually trying to help him out. I yelled at all of the people drinking to get off my neighbor's yard because someone will call the cops. I told them this twice.

Finally, I get tired of all this bullshit, and I called my mom to tell her what was going on and she tells me to call the cops on the kids drinking because they've moved to the front of our house. (I was also hesitant to call them since they were here yesterday-twice!) I called them and I was waiting for them to come when Little Brother, Play Brother and I all have a chat about Koda and how we all feel about her. Videl came in and used my keyboard. He's a trooper! The cops came and Jordan was trying to get into the house but I didn't have the sense enough to tell him to come in and the rest of the kids to go outside. The cops told all of them to leave and I came outside to tell the cops that Jordan lives with us. The rest of the crew leaves and Jordan comes in close to tears saying that he was going to leave. I told him that I didn't call the cops on him, I called the cops on the other kids who where drinking. He starts crying and he leaves. Great. I was worried there on out for him because he was really not well.


Meanwhile, I'm in between a fit and cursing up a mad storm because Play Brother wants to use my computer because he forgot his folder with all his important papers in it at school. Shit! Then he wants me to set up the internet for him and go to the website to get a new application. Then he complains that we have no more paper for the printer! I'm not a f*cking Office Max! Then he doesn't listen to me about the computer (if you don't wait for everything to load (and it takes a while) the comp will shut down) and the comp did shut down because he's so damn impatient! Grrr! I'm about ready to tell him all the things I've been holding back but I don't. Then he complains that Maggot got in a fight with his mom and that Maggot is going to leave his house soon and that leaves Play Brother without a house. He is complaining about how his other friend left him and how he wish he had a home. And then he complains more about sleeping on the floor and having to pay rent. Excuse me, I didn't realize that leeching off other people entitled you to complain about the house you had now. SHit! Some people are so ungrateful! And I have a really bad feeling that the only reason he wants to go on NET Ministries is so that he will have a "home" of some sort and/or to leave out of this town to get away from it all. I honestly don't think he's cut out for NET. He won't be able to hadle it if this is the reason for going. That's total bullshit what he is doing. He came into my house, complained about everything and then he ate my food! Without asking! He ordered me to give him some food! Bull shit!!!

Seriously, I feel like telling him off, about how it was his choice to leave his house and live how he wanted and how he thought he knew better and now life is treating him how he's treated his mother! And I'm getting really tired of how he preaches one thing and totally does the opposite! Grrr! I'm the same way, but at least I admit when I do a mistake! And another thing, he's always bringing up my past! I HATE that! It's bullshit!!!


After that shit, most of the people leave except for Krystal and Derick. Derick has ADHD, and I mean severly, so most of the time he is wacking me with the couch cushions from my couch! And I have this nervous habit of laughing when I think I'm going to get hurt or am in pain already and he's getting mad because he doesn't like the fact that I'm getting annoyed with him!

Jordan came back eventually and he talked to mom. He's really depressed and upset about the situation he's in right now, with his parents and the living conditions he has now. His parents came by and took him for a while.

Dad came home and was mad already because some people at his work are trying to get him in trouble for, apparently, no reason. Then he hears the shit that's already happened and, to boot, there's no dinner made for him! Oh, mur-der!

Jordan and his parents came by and talked with my parents about stuff and then they left. Dad went to the Boy Scout meeting and Jordan, Little Brother, PLay Brother and myself went to church with mom. Me and Play Brother had to go for the Prayer Night, which I really needed! As soon as PLay Brother and I got out of the van, who should I see but Tonzy and Mela! Madness! I hugged Tonzy and talked with him and Mela. Later on I saw a new friend I made on Sunday. Her name is Rose and she went with the kids to D-Week. (I wanted to go, damn it! F*ck!) And I saw my Jackie today and it turns out she has a livejournal , too! Wicked fun!

Jaime gave a talk today on where to draw the line on fantasy and reality and he talked on a bunch of other stuff too and I was totally freaking out because I knew that Tonzy would tell me about everything he thought about it later on. Jaime gives the most bestest talks in the whole wide world!!! He has inspired me to go back to school! :D *sigh* I sat next to Jackie today. Yay! She's so cute! Like a cookie! :D

After the night was over, I looked out for my momma cuz she said that when she showed up that's when I had to leave because we were going to go out to eat. I saw her right away and I told Mela and Tonzy I had to go and Tonzy went with me to eat! It was so much fun! Tonzy explained to me what he thought of Jaime's talk (and he, surprisingly, thought it was a great talk over-all!) and he tried to cheer Jordan up because Jordan was still really sad. It was hillarious! Tonzy got two of those little paper cups for ketchup and put them on his eyes! It was soooo funny! Then Jerry said to mom, "You know what would cheer Jordan up? A pack of cigarettes!" and Tonzy said, "Oh, I thought you where going to say 'If mom got up on the table and started dancing!'" and that one song from Outkast came on (Hey Ya) and I could just imagine how my mom would look if she was dancing on the table to that song! (my mom does that whole 80s go-go dancing thing! It's so funny!) Tonzy was making Jordan laugh a lot and making him feel a little better. Tonzy says that this is when he feels closest to God; when he's helping people and making them feel better.

At home, we had a pseudo family meeting and talked about a lot of things. It was good to get everything out that had to be said. We all made a vow not to have anymore drinking kick-backs. I'm still glad that Mela and Tonzy wern't there. Jordan's a bit better now and I'm glad he's back home. :D Cuz this is his home, you know, for right now! :D

P.S. Chelly's b-day party is in a few days. I'm getting her present on Friday. (shhhh!)


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