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2009-03-14 - 11:02 p.m.

I realized too late that I forgot to put some letters in the last batch I mailed to Saul. >.< argh.

Last night I stood up late talking to Tako about the concert and Matt when I realized I needed to get offline cos I wanted to go to church in the morning! Went to sleep at 1:15am, alarm woke me up at 6:30am, started walking at 7:15 and got to church at 7:45. It was a wonderful walk, overcast and the streets were empty. It was cold and beautiful!

This was the first thing I saw in the morning


Good morning, Nurse Bettie. :)

Mass was great, I got to spend the morning in church. I was really sleepy though and felt a bit off. Walking back, I remembered I had a granola bar from Vane` and munched on it on my way home. Turning on my phone after mass, I got a text message that one of my friend's father passed away. I'm going to say a rosary for him.

I took this picture on the way home:


This house was almost like the house I had in a dream that had the door leading in and right in front of it a door leading out. That cat is pretty cool. :p

When I got home, I made breakfast for my dad and I. He was surprised I was at church! I talked to mom a little bit then went to sleep for a while more to catch up on the hours I lost. I couldn't really sleep, it's been a problem for a few weeks now. Saul called me around noon, I was really happy to hear from him. I made an appointment to see him right after and right after that his mom called to see if I could make an appointment for her and her son and I felt really bad cos once you make an appointment you can't change it. >.< argh...:'(

The boys fixed my car, I was overjoyed! But then I had to pay them. O.O Oi. The car got fixed so late that my plans to go to a baby shower and a show I REALLY wanted to go to where shot. :( Dad said I need to fix two other things too so maybe going to LA at night wouldn't have been a good idea anyhow. My cousin Danny invited me to work at an insurance company and to go to a meeting next week to check it out. I'm wary of it but I'll see if I want to go to Chino Hills next weekend. I got my check from unemployment and paid my mom, we went to church for confession and mass. After mass, food at the Kosher Pickle! yay! Mom and I talked, we don't see each other that often as when she comes back from work I'm in school. We talked about where she wanted to go to on Friday for her birthday. :) I don't know what to make her still for her gift as she won't let me buy her anything.

After a trip to the Covina Walmart to get some stuff, including a new key for my room to give the old one to my mom in case of emergencies, out of the blue Kevin called me just for chit chat. He'd been annoyed with me the last time we'd hung out and didn't talk to me for like a week or two. I was alright with the prospect of him not talking to me for a while cos I realized it stressed me out to hang with him sometimes as I had to watch what I said and act a certain way for him and that we needed our own space to deal with the changes we were both making in our lives. I'll always see him as a friend who was there for me and is cemented as part of my life even if we don't talk or hang out that often anymore. The weirdest thing is I had a dream I was texting him this morning and that everything was fine again and every time we stop talking or get in a tiff we start talking again after someone asks me about it. Weird.

Jer, Joey and Joey's girlfriend Rachael were major pressuring me to go to a stupid medicinal marijuana shop in Downtown LA tonight, I was NOT having any part of it. I told my bro I'd take him anywhere if he fixed my car but that was just beyond my reasonable capacity. One, it was late! Two, they wanted to go NOW NOW NOW. Three, they were pressuring me and I do NOT want to or like to be pressured. Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it! Literally! I stood up for what I wanted for a change instead of rolling over and doing it and they left mad. I told them I'll go anywhere they want to but I do not want to be a part of their getting paraphernalia or drugs. That's not right. I think the last straw really was that Rachael was dancing in and out of my room whining to Joey about where they were going and what they were doing, she's annoying.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! I get to see my babe. I still feel bad that I couldn't make the appointment for his mom and bro. :( and that I couldn't go everywhere I wanted to this weekend. I got my ticket for Abney Park this Thursday though and I got my 4 day pass to AX before the price went up! Sweet!!!! Tomorrow should be awesome. :)


your brain...I don't think it works anymore

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