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2008-04-10 - 8:04 p.m.

This morning I woke up...sweet depression. Yay. It begins again. I'm just glad I feel this way and I know why. It's going to be an upward battle from here on out but it's one I need to get out of the way.

My little bro's new husky, Buddy, followed me this morning around the house. He's a lovable lil' thing. Pretty dog, and nice. :)

I wore my whale shirt. It makes me happy. Monica liked it. :) And I wore my make-up all nice today, I took my time this morning to look nice. I put on my winning walmart smile before I cursed it's name. :p

because Gary told me to take it

I got a lot of compliments today on how I looked. :) And a lot of good-looking guys came into my line today. A man and his son asked me for directions and the son was flirting with me. He was VERY cute. I guess this would be the part where we'd exchange numbers but I'm not a normal girl. Oh, but he was really cute...I guess I should look nice at work more often LOL

They put a kinda new cashier across from me. He has a tattoo on his chest, I dunno of what, it looks like tentacles peering out a little above his collar. I talked to Monica and Aldo most of the day. I was happy today at work, very happy. I had a really late break and lunch which is what I wanted because it makes the day go faster for me and it was kick-back, so not busy.

I noticed I started stammering at work again. Working on the register has made a big difference of my attitude, it's either FUCK YOU I'M ANGRY or YAY I IS A HAPPY COW! :s argh When I left work I saw the new guy, Stevie, with the other new guy, Andrew. Good to see new faces that are friendly and work well.

After work I picked up my mom and we went to the thrift shop. Mom wanted to get out because she was sick. We found this really awesome TV wall unit that would be just PERFECT for my room!!! She's gonna grab it for me tomorrow when I'm at work. I was looking for pants but none did I find. :( But I found some other neat stuff!!! Check it out! (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Penguino! He was so cute and chubby! I wanted to buy him but maybe next time...awe!!!!

LOL Pumpkin is Amused! :D I wanted to buy this sooo bad, it amuses me to sooo many levels!!!!

I almost took this emotionless wonder (who I called Ani) but opted against it, though her "skin" felt really freaky O.O

One of two pillar and tea candle holders, the angels all have this look of agony of their faces. I'm going to put blood on them. :) All my angels have blood on them.

I'm a SUCKER for heart-shaped boxes!!! The big box reads Follow Your Heart with the pillar and smaller box with a heart shaped lock on it :)

I AdOrEd this box, it's like a billion tiny beads or coloured crystals were all around the box but they were just coloured dents, I hate the middle picture but I'll do something with it later.

Vintage looking biscuit box girl :) Mine all mine

I really liked this angel woodcut but it wouldn't stand on it's own :(

Just to remind you, I'm selling shit on e-bay

Oi Pretty Kitty Auctions

If you know anyone that might like anything or if you like something, do let a gal know.

Back to being distracted. Yay. :)


every step that you take could be your biggest mistake
it could bend or it could break but that's the risk that you take
what if you should decide that you don't want me there in your life?
that you don't want me there by your side?

past rants - future ramblings

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