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2005-05-02 - 12:18 p.m.

whoo-hoo! I got my big fat paycheck last week! $446.24!!! I know it probably doesn't sound like a lot, but it's A LOT to me! I *finally* got my full-sized bed! I can roll around in it! I'm such a dork!
My boss Kevin is like a mellower version of Tonzy. :p Coolies.
The guy I'm crushing on is becoming less and less OooohhHH and more meh.
Some of the guys at work know now that I used to be married. I didn't tell them it was when I was 12, though. I think they'd freak out if they knew I was that young. But hey, stuff happens. (I miss Tracy sometimes...)
I'm opening a saving account so I don't get tempted to spend the money I'm saving for my car. I need a cheap cheap car, one to get me from a to b. I don't care what it looks like or what features it has. I just need something that runs fairly well and that won't break down on me too often. I'm going to shop around on the internet and the pennysaver to get a good, cheap car. I've already got $340 saved up for one. I saw a car for $650 in the pennysaver, but it's a Mercedes and the parts for those are really expensive if it breaks down. (hehe, Mercades might get a Mercedes) LOL
As soon as I buy a new USB cable, I'm taking pictures. I've been feely pretty artsy lately and I want to take pics of me dressed in black and manipulate it with my software. I need a new pic for my myspace profile anyway.
OH, and Tonzy and Mela have celebrated a full year of being together!!!! Happy Aniversary kids!!!!! ***throws confetti***
"Everytime I look in your eyes I see the whole damn world dissapear.
and I start to wonder if it's all in my head only to find out I havn't got one" Mount Sims-Headless (I've had this song stuck in my head since I heard it at work!!!!

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