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2008-06-20 - 9:14 p.m.

I got TOTALLY lost at the Puente Hills mall today.

I could NOT for the life of me find which entrance I came in through!!!

I'm not used to that mall! You come in at different levels, it's in a circle, blah!!!

It was nice being alone for a while, I spent 9 hours surrounded by people and it was just like, I could finally exhale and not have to be nice to shitty people and just be by myself, not having to be all customer service-y.

But once I found it, I treated myself to a frozen yogurt, which I call Frogurt! :p harharhar
(did you get that Simpson's reference? You're oh-so cool if you did!)

Good news; the nice chick-a-rooni at the Hot Topic told Justina at the West Covina Hot Topic to hold a under wear set I eyed two weeks ago for me in my size! Joy! My heart sings! Black with razor blades on it. Oh yeah.
Totally superfluous? Yes. Cute as hell? Yes. Mine all mine? YES!

I've spared you seeing me in them (word to OB peeps, FOPs soon to come of this, you were warned now)

What else?...

I'm utterly tired of my job. Full time sucks ass but I'm sure I'll change my tune once I'm rolling in dough again. :p LOL

For the first time in maybe a month, I slept soundly last night and woke up in the arms of my luvly one <3 there's no where else I'd rather be and it breaks my heart that things aren't the way they could have been and that I'm not going to be able to stay over once he moves.
*sigh* I'm draining away to him slowly

I'm sick...in the head...like you didn't know but it's happening again; the black-outs in time, my hair falling out, small bursts of anger coming out of nowhere, obsessive thinking, not letting scars heal...it's happening again...I'm trying to stop it though. If I start twitching or punching things in my sleep, Le Tigre, tell me.

Do NOT want to go to the crazy house again.

I forgot how much I like old-school rap. :p

It's fucking hot.

Funny Games is all kinds of fucked up

Tomorrow is Arlene's b-day partay!!!!! Let's see what magical pictures I end up with this time.


let's play a game...

past rants - future ramblings

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