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2006-05-13 - 8:44 p.m.

Hey, party people. I'm UBER sick! Yay! Hallucinating, fever, chills, coughing up something fierce, headache, nausia, dry heaving, runny/stuff up nose, sore throat, post nasal drip, and aches. MOOO! So I'm not going to be online that much. Doctor gave me some get-better pills (yay!) and she said I should feel better in about 10 days, so that's good news because I want to go to Funeral with my cool goth licky friends on Friday and a really cool guy called Juan invited me to a party on Saturday! :D Oh, not to mention I have a JOB INTERVIEW on Monday!!!! WooT WooT! Yeah, hunnies!!!! So I'm going to be getting better (hopefully) as I'm high as a kite on my goofy pills. Stay sweet, alligators and send me virtual flowers! LMFAO Sorry I can't hang out tonight, people. :(

xoox, Mercades

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