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2006-05-18 - 5:38 p.m.

Seriously, imitation crab sticks are really yummy! And a healthy alternative to some of the junky food I've been eating. I can eat it with a slice of cheese or a lil' bit o' soy sauce, I'm good to go! Yummers!!! :p hehehe!!!

Mike and I are barely comming over some hurdles that have threatened to be the end of us, but as the Smashing Pumpkins say, "WE MUST NEVER BE APART!!!" lovely girl, you're the beauty in my world, you're the murder in my world... (Correct me if I'm wrong, Amelindy!!!!)

Here's some fun pics of him playing with the kitty!

Who's that on Mike's Guitar??? SIREN!

Sing a song, Kitty! Sing a song!

La la la la la

So what do you think, Siren? oh, Siren?

What's Siren thinking???

Some people have been just bugging the absolute SHIT out of me!!! So if I don't answer my phone, don't take offence! Just know I'm tired of hearing my lovely ringtone. (which is the song Wasteland by 10 Years, fyi) Mr. Mike downloaded a new ringtone for moi, Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. We have history with that song; it was my default song on my pro when he searched me and now, almost every time he leaves my house, that song comes on! Or at weird times, it'll come on!!! :p LOL

I'm still sick, but not as much!!! Oh, sweet Jezuz, not as much!!!! I can actually kinda breathe!!!! through my nose!!! Ah, the simple pleasures in life that we all take for granted...oh, the joy...I may be able to go out to Funeral this Friday after all! Squee!!! (pending if a certain person doesn't spoil my sunshine) but alas, I'm a-feared of my condition comming back, so I'm at a quandry as to whether or not I should chance going out. But it's been ages since I've been at a club and it's a "bloody prom" themed event. *sigh* We'll see how tomorrow goes. Either way, I'm going to the St. John's Carnival on Saturday with my hunnie bunnie, Mike!!!! We're going to have so much fun! :D

Oooh, and someone poked the fuck out of my cat Himler's eye so bad that it recessed into his head for a while and (honest to GOD!!) I thought that it was MISSING!!! I mean, I opened his eye and his eye was GONE!!! OMG!!! Today the swelling went down and now his eye is visable, but that was pretty freaky and gross when I thought his eye was missing!!! I love him nonetheless, though!!!!

Here's some fun pics of the kitty, Siren!!!!! Muahahha!!!

kitty pics
"My Guitar!!!!"

kitty pics
Showgirls!!! Mike poses Siren NAKED!!!

Kitty pics
Is that Siren saying ello with her 5th PAW???

kitty pics
"Wanna hear me play???"

We're in some shit right now: since my dad refuses to find or attain a job in any way, shape or form (other than going to job fairs and stealing the free samples (yes, STEALING the free samples) ) my mother and I have been contacting local relief agencies to get help with some of our utilities. This is charging me to look for a job more and I've just found out they're hiring at Kaiser again, so off I go to the magical fairy land of hospital sterilizations and sticky linoleum floors.

Speaking of which, I just have an interview on Monday with Bliss in the mall. It was a shit interview, and whatever happens at this point happens. I ran into Mr. Tonzy and Ms. Pamelita while I was at Tower Records with Miss Amelindy. We tried to buy our Mindless Self Indulgence tix then, but they don't go on sale until Sat. Yay! I'm gonna see MSI!!!! Again!!!! At the Music Box! Kick fucking ass!!! :D This is gonna be so cool. ANd Mike's gonna come, too, so this is gonna kick ass. :D *thumbs up*

Lookit the kewl posters Mike bought for moi!!!:

This one's on my ceiling:

This one's behind my bed:

Awesome like a west coast possum, yes??? :p

Anyways, life is looking up, I have a whole new outlook on what I need to do and how I need to do it. School starts for me in July, totally free!!! :D I'm in love, I'm in life, and I'm happier!!! Wheeee!!!! :D *muah*

I stole this from Rosa:

past rants - future ramblings

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