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2009-11-05 - 3:56 p.m.

So a week ago it was Halloween, haha, I am a procrastinator cos I've been making things for the steampunk dance. :p

My Halloween started a week early with the Repo! Shadowcast, it was a real blast! There was a costume contest, so I chose a costume I didn't think anyone would do: the mustache chauffeur!


I look very handsome, yes?


This is me with the guy who usually plays the mustache chauffeur, he was dressed as Mario! He liked my costume a lot!

(BTW, that mustache itched like the dickens!!!)
I had a lot of fun at the show, a lot of good costumes, and Jae with her friend Eddie joined me that night! It was their first show and I'm super glad they had fun!

The day before Halloween I got invited out to two things: a small shindig at a friend's house and out of nowhere Tako was like Let's go to Beer Station! :)


My Halloween costume was VERY vintage inspired, as you can see! I got the make-up down with the help of a fantastic guide to 1920's make-up!

(the guide in case you wanna check it out: http://return2style.de/swingstyle/makeup/20amimup.html )

My little ciggy tray! I got the vintage candy & bubble gum cigarettes online and spray painted a cardboard box for the tray, then added some flowers to it. I also had Pixy Sticks and M&Ms to the tray!


Cupid Bow lipstick *MUAH*!
I adore that headpiece!


the side-by-side cos some people didn't understand my costume fully without the tray :p

Except for the faux fur stole, I had everything already in my room! :) Teehee, the joys of being an anachronism!


Went to Dave's house, these fine lookin' gents were watching Shaun of the Dead! That's Aaron as the Burger King lol and Dave in a Mardi Gras/Marquis costume! His coat was amazing!


Miss Sasha looked lovely as a butterfly though she said the wings bothered her a lot!


Yay, Fina Kitty came with Ruby! Ruby wasn't in a picture mood, but she was adorable as a little Snow White! Smiles!


This was later on at Beer Station. Keil and Cyrene are in their usual costumes...a SMILE! hahah kidding


Tako was pretty well on his way drinking already when I got there :p


Sierra and Bryan came as well, the lovely Pirate and her lovable pet Panda!!! Totally adorable, his make-up was eye-popping!


Cyrene Wolverine! If her looks could kill, I'd be dead twice!


Happy, smiling bag is happY! Too many Pixy Sticks? ^.^

After the bar we went to Denny's and hung a while. THeir friend Dan was there, too, I'd met him for the first time. After everyone left, me and Tak talked a while in the parking lot, then I drove home. I accidentally drank some beer at the bar and the next morning I didn't wake up until 2pm and I was going through the motions of a hangover. -_- I'm on medication and I cannot have alcohol so yeah. My face was so puffy when I woke! oi! I was going to go to LA with MPsy to see a show but that wasn't going to happen, I was too out of it. It was okay though cos I stood home, relaxed, and decided to give away the last of the Pixy Sticks to kids.
Here I am in Manson-eyed contact lenses, short har, bloody face, bony shirt and nurse hat. I looked spooky, some kids didn't want to come up to the door! D'awe!


I call this the WTF Nurse costume! I have a closet full of things, I had a lot of fun putting this together!

Halloween was also the one year mark of Saul's arrest and his being away from me. I miss him very much, it'll be time for him to come home soon, though. Then he'll be here for Halloween next year! <3 I love him so much!

To a lovely Halloween, and more cool costumes!!!

He's here! He's Here! The Great Pumpkin is here! Oh, wait, no, that's just a fat kid in an orange t-shirt. Phooey.

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