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2008-07-24 - 9:43 a.m.

I have the rest of the week off from work because I had something horrible happen to me at work (medically). Aside from what I already knew was wrong with me, I had a ovarian cyst burst inside of me while I was on the register at work. Swear, my reproductive system is being eaten by paper tigers. >.<

I went to the doctor, got some ultrasounds done, doc perscribed me some pills and gave me the rest of the week off to rest up. Yay.

This would be cool if I could actually kinda move and stuff but I have to rest. *sigh* I shouldn't be up and about anyway. But I'm going to use this time wisely and get cracking on a new school to go to and whatnot. :)

Danke, Le Tigre, for visiting me after I got out of the hospital! :) <3

Anyone wanna chat or talk, feel free. I'll be home all day.

xoxo, mErci

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