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2005-02-12 - 5:09 p.m.

Was supposed to go to the mall yesterday with Amelindy and Vane`, but Amelindy never called me. So my mom took me out. We talked, ate, drank diet soda. :p I'm getting used to it. I took care of my dog Izzy because my other dogs attacked her really bad and she was all bleedy all over the place. :(
Vidal is bugging the hell out of me again. I don't know what's wrong with me. I need to talk to him, but every time I try to, he makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I know I'm not. *sigh* I need to get my head on straight.
I've been my unusually hermit-y self lately. Don't know what's come over me. The only time I went out this week was to see my therapist and even then Vidal came with me.
I havn't been able to sleep. I want sleep.
I also havn't been on the internet that much. I think it's a good thing, but whenever I'm bored, I don't go on the internet, either, and usually that is my first resort. Strange. I truley havn't been myself.
I'm going to the mall this comming week for fun. Maybe I'll get myself some goodies. Maybe that will cheer me up. Also, Vidal is taking me out on Valentine's day to Hometown Buffet. Sweet, no? :p
iMesh 5 SUCKS!!!! So does the movie Boogeyman. It SUCKS!!!!! BOOOOO!!!!
I've not had any contact with any of my friends except for the ones that contact me. Daniel Martinez visited me the other day. That was nice. I think Tonzy tried to call me the other day from work. That was nice, too. *sigh* I miss my friends. But at the same time, I don't want to leave my house. And at the same time, I hate staying home. Grrr.

I been drifting along in the same stale shoes
Loose ends tying the noose in the back of my mind
If you throught that you were making your way
To where the puzzles and pagans lay
I'll put it together: It's a strange invitation

When I wake up someone will sweep up my lazy bones
And we will rise in the cool of the evening
I remember the way that you smiled
When the gravity shackles were wild
And something is vacant when I think it's all beginning

past rants - future ramblings

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