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2006-06-14 - 12:00 a.m.

Well, today was a fantastical adventure in my jury duty. I pumped myself up by listening to the new CD mix that I made last night called Mood Swing Mix. It's a little bit o' Death Cab for Cutie, Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, etc. etc. Mainly Rasputina, though. I love it so.

This time around wasn't so bad except for the waiting...the horrible waiting. Less people, less irritability. Seemed friendly and nice in the jury room, everyone getting along nicely and whatnot, minding their business and immersing themselves in their books, laptops or papers. I finally red the book Are You There, God? by Sister Mary Rose McGeady. Really cool book, touched me heart. Dad and I had decent conversations, he even bought me a bagel with cream cheese! Yummy!

I was sooo bored the first 4 hours until lunch. Dad stayed with me because he thought it'd be fast like last time but I was postponed last time. :( We went to eat in the underground mall next to the court. I'd never seen an underground outdoor mall before, it was a trip! :p And it was super packed with people, so finding a place to eat with short lines was kinda hard. We settled on a rotiserie place, wasn't that good. I had a honey musterd chicken salad. Then we went to a Sav*on and I got some chocolate for my sweet tooth fix and an activities magazine! :p

When I came back for lunch, I was finally called to be in a jury pool, we all hearded to our assigned destination, waited to be called, got in the courtroom and listened to what the judge had to say, blah blah blah. The judge is actually kinda cool, joking and stuff. I'm juror #3, the first of 20 out of 45 to be interviewed. We're not even done with all our interviews and they ajourned until tomorrow, but the good news is we don't have to go in until 11 am instead of 7:45 am. Traffic will be lighter and I get to sleep in later since I had only 4 non-consecutive hours of sleep last night. And Mike's gonna take me tomorrow, I get to spend the whole day with my baby!

Oh, and it's our 5th month-aversary!!! YAY!!!! I feared this day might not be and here it is. :) Happy happy me!!! Mike bought me two magnetic braceletes from this kool chick at the farmer's market and a new headband from the Hot Topic! :p my kittah LuVs me!!! and I luvs my kittah! mew meow MAUH!!!

Tomorrow, more waiting...I'm just super glad that those rosaries gave me an infinite amount of patience now...:) God graces me so...

i'Ve hAd thiS SoNg...In...mY...BRAIN!!! ALL DAY!!! WhY?!
Momma Was an Opium Smoker by Rasputina
Momma was an opium-smoker.
She light it with a red-hot poker.
She would never take a bath.
We would ask her- she'd just laugh.
Because our momma was an opium smoker.
She made it with a gentleman, Lincoln.
They met on a boat, it was sinking.
When she shoulda gone overboard,
Momma say, "No way, Oh my Lord."
"Only of opium smoke am I thinking."
Oh help us lord.
We can't afford. Her destructive ways.
You oughtta her hear what she says!
She would just sit on her fat ass.
Yell at us, "Fill up my wine glass!"
She would tell us, "How sad.
"You won't ever know your dad."
Oh yeah, my momma was opium-smoker.
She hide the money and the drugs under the mattress.
I wonder, how long has she been at this?
And I say, "Mom, bang the gong."
"Can't you see, it's gone all wrong?"
Oh yeah, my momma was opium-smoker

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