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2006-09-01 - 7:58 p.m.

First things first: yesterday, I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time. It was awesome! Hardly any pain, just tiny pinches, no bleeding, a little redness, and my eyebrows are CLEAN!!! I'll post pics later, maybe. Mike was with me when I got them done, he liked it so much he's going to do his eyebrows next week! Fun!

Work kinda SUCKED today. I was in the gardening check-outs. I don't like them. It's super hard to get a manager out there. Plus no one was answering the CSM phones, so I had to physically seek one out when all my change was gone. Plus side: I got 10 min. overtime. Woo!

Another reason why work sucked? The toilets are broken again. CONSARNET!!!

Kitty took me to his house during my lunchy yesterday. He fed me and let me sleep in his kitty arms. *sigh* I love him so. Today I ate a bacon-wrapped hot dog. (or as my grandpa calls it, a TJ dog) It was good. :p

I just took a test in class. I think I did SUCKY. Boo. :( We'll see. I'm trying to get a good grade in this class so I can get my insurance lower. Oh, and so I can do good in class. LOL

EDIT: got a B on my first test! Huzzah for extra credit!!!

RaNdOm ThOuGhTs

Feeling kinda sick. Feinding chocolate. Enjoying the simple things of life. Like driving down the street with my Mudvayne tape full of blast like a jerk. Or merging on the freeway without freaking out as much. And getting kisses on the hand from my Mike. And looking at the ring he bought me and seeing the fire and passion he has for me. And singing along to a silly song on the radio. Air conditioning! And comming home tired from work. I want food. Denny's? No, not that much money. But still...I can move some funds around...better not, though. . . gonna do it anyway...just you wait, Mike...Mike officially got his promotion...:) Got a B on my test! yay! Gotta study more though. Working late tomorrow. Gonna dye my hair before work!!! :D Homework: improve photoshop projects...oh, man...good times. :) OK, gotta go!!!


tweak your photos, not your brain!!!

past rants - future ramblings

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