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2008-05-28 - 4:58 p.m.

I was going about 70 on the 10 East to see Tak before he goes to Alaska.

A pick-up truck that had a bed and some tools tied to it wasn't tied properly and it all came tumbling down off the truck.

I swerved to avoid the debris but it went under me anyway and popped my tired and cracked my axle.

Tow truck guy said not to go over 40mph or on the freeway with it like this.

Insurance man is going to come look at it tomorrow.

Which means another fucking day off work. >.<

I'm okay but my kitty car might have to be put down if it's more than the worth of the car to fix.

And I'm amazingly peppy about it. :p

These kindsa things make me feel ALIVE!!!!


*flicks a tear*

what a week.

what a fucking week.

But on the majorly plus side, I got to see Tak. :)

till we part,
or until you push me away,
xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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