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2008-05-27 - 5:28 a.m.

I've been offered a spot again at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon. I was interested in this school a year ago but I was going to go for all the wrong reasons. Now after all that has passed, I have the right mindset now and I would really love a change of scenery and an opportunity to advance my education in photography.

Even with financial aid I somehow need to come up with around $10,000- $20,000 for the first year at PNCA in less than two months. (This is inclusive of my student housing, only $4,000 for a full year. Considering an apartment in LA is almost $1500 a MONTH, this is a God-send!!! It's a lot cheaper if I get a roomie but...meh...)

Fall sesh starts Aug. 30th. Two years for a Bachelor's of Fine Arts.
Four years a Mater's of Fine Arts.
Fcking classy, eh? :p

"Yes, I'm have a Master's in Photography, now please stop crying, kid, Santa has other kids to take pictures with!!!"

If I wait until Summer sesh it starts next year in May. Maybe I'll have enough dinero then? *sigh* Cos I want to drive up there so I have something to roam around in already so I'll need a good new/used car.

At Brooks Institute, it's much closer (Santa Barbara, CA) and the tuition is about $40,000 a year but the classes are much more focused on one particular area of interest. And I can get my master's a lot faster (less than 2 years) and job placement assistance is included. But no student housing and I think that area is a bit more pricey than here, I can't remember. It's been eons since I've been in Santa Barbara. (almost...10 years? Jeeze...)

Thank God my Walmart job is transferable.
Wow. I'd never thought I'd say that.

And I still need that car.

I know you're thinking why don't I go to a JC or local college. I don't like the idea of having to take a bunch of prerequisite classes that I don't need, finding classes spread out over a large terrain and a crazy schedule. The idea of a "normal" college life has never really appealed to me, it just seems very stressful, time consuming and expensive. Not to mention I know for a fact that some classes are either too full up, have a long waiting list or get canceled in a few sessions if there isn't enough students which I find to be complete bullshit. I also want the chance to get out of my area.

Would anyone oppose me getting a second job as a stripper or selling my organs online? I only need one kidney, right? How about transporting illegal immigrants over the border?

Blah. Meh. Eh. *shrugs*

xoxo, mErci

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