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2003-08-13 - 3:05 p.m.

It's a new day and it's Wednesday. I'm thinking about going to church tonight, I'm not sure if I should or not. If I do, I might have a chance to see my three new friends. That will be fun. :)

Luminous didn't e-mail me again, so I'm assuming he'll leave me alone now. I'm happier for it because I don't want or need things like this in my life. Maybe later when I look back I'll regret it, but not now. I'm peachy the way I am right now.

The library is becoming an increasingly large cesspool of evil. I don't like it when people arn't quiet in here. It's freaking anoying as all hell. Grrr.

There's nothing much to say, except I got the new Sims video game for PS2 and have been playing with it constantly. I'm pretty good at it, but it's REALLY repetative so there's no point in playing it more than, like, twice. Humho. Whatever. I guess I'll go read now.


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