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2006-05-26 - 1:59 a.m.

Your Life: The Soundtrack
So heres how it works:
Open your choice of music player [iTunes, Limewire, Kazaa, ect.] and put it on shuffle.
Press play.
For every question type the song thats on.

And when you go to a new question press the next button.

Opening credit: Smashing Pumpkins-Bullet with Butterfly Wings

-sets the mood for the whole thing, doesn't it?? cuz I'm an angry goth girl LOL

Waking up: Three Days Grace-I Hate Everything About You

-more anger! :p I've been waking up grrr with people lately, so I guess this would fit

Average day: Nine Inch Nails-Only

-funky beat, this is good background music for what I usually do

First Date : Panic! @ the Disco-Build God, Then We'll Talk

-so am I the virgin that's getting a job from the cheating attorney??? LOL A cheap motel on the first date, that's great!

Falling in love: Deftones- My own Summer (shove it)

-I can associate the screaming and stuff with the passion raging inside me for the person I'm falling in love with

Breaking up: A Perfect Circle-Imagine

-this is so depressing w/o words in the first place, so in a perfect world I wouldn't feel this way

Getting back together: Smashing Pumpkins-Bodies

-This would have been better for the break up. You can't argue with Love is Suicide, can you???

Secret love: Nine Inch Nails-Everyday is Exactly the Same

-this is a fucking SEXY song!!! OMG, I can totally see this fitting!!

Life's okay: Queens of the Stoneage-No One Knows

-pills to swallow, what you do to me, caving in? Yeah, this is as good as life gets??? :p

Mental breakdown: Marcy Playground-Opium

-this is really funny because I listened to this song when I broke down for reals a few months ago!!! This song is PERFECT!!!

Driving: No Doubt-New

-energetic and I love singing to it, definetly a car kareoke song!

Learning a lesson: Rasputina-Call Me Alice (Life 101)

-Life 101 says it all, yes? learning that I have to GROW UP!! LOL

Deep thought: Rasputina-Gingerbread Coffin

-the strings, synth, and harmonics work well to think

Flashback: Bush-Comedown

-I used to listen to this song WAY back in the day, so I can flashback to it very easily

Partying: D.I.-Richard Hung Himself

-this is a total drug song, people can be drunk, fighting, making out, and talking and it would totally work!

Happy dance: New Order-Bizarre Love Triangle

-Happy Song!!! Lallalala!!!! This is the part where everyone breaks into a spontanious, choreographed dance! LOL

Regretting: Bloodhound Gang-Along Comes Mary

-"And does she want to see the stains, the dead remains of all the pains she left the night before", yep, I'd say that's regret

Long night alone: Korn-System

-i guess if i had a long night ahead of me, I'd just be alone with my thoughts and be really crazy!!!

Death scene: Soundgarden-Black Hole sun

-"A walking sleep And my youth I pray to keep Heaven send Hell away" Yep, that's how it ends

that was fun! :D I need to fill this out with the songs I would really want. :p LOL yeah, some of them did work, some of them were meh. I used my playlist "Vicodin for Vicky" on my Windows Media Player. I think it worked out well.

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