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2004-09-11 - 7:07 p.m.

I failed my driving test because I backed up the car without looking back and I didn't signal. LOL, I could have killed someone. I'm taking it again in 3 weeks. Steve invited me to help out on a retreat. I didn't know whether or not i should go, but Liz talked me into it. David Diaz is going, too, I think. Mom's having a heat-attack that I'm going back into the church (not that I left). Mom is the best at saying the things that break my heart. I went out on a date with Vidal! Yay! He said that was his first date EVER. :p He looked really cute cuz he was wearing eyeliner. Some guys can't pull that off, but he sure can! We saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Verdict: See the first one, then see this one because absolutely NOTHING is explained in the second one. Its all fast-paced kill kill kill. Vidal was dissapointed with it, but he liked it all and all. After that we went to Barns & Nobel, Best Buy (I got the first Portishead CD (Dummy) and I absolutely love it!!! Vidal got a Pink Floyed best of CD), the mall (for food and coffee...lots of coffee...) then back to the water fountain in front of Barns & Nobel. We sat there for, like, four hours just talking and talking about everything; our fears, concerns, likes, dislikes, everything. We left as soon as people started to form over there, though. Vidal is very anti-social. We saw Glenn there. Whoo! We got picked up and he went home and I went home and slept. I can't really sleep anymore cuz its so hot. I bought a fan today. Yay. And I'm making my own Halloween costume. It's going to be scary. How scary, you ask? It's going to be...white. *gasp!* *(Thank you all for your comments, concerns, ideals. You're all beautiful and lovely)* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "There's a thin line between love and lust"

past rants - future ramblings

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