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2005-07-28 - 1:14 a.m.

Yes, I'm that lame. You wish you could be as lame as I am. :p
K, so yesterday was Senior Torta's birthday, so me and Amelindy kidnapped him to go eat at the Eatza Pizza (it's like Shakey's basically) and then to mi casa to go swimming! T'was fun!!! THen we gang-raped Torta and I'm carrying his child. OK, that part was a lie, but Torta and Amelindy did have fun, even without the rapage.
I took pictures! (as if I needed a reason to)

Torta and Amelindy!

Torta and Amelindy getting into the car!

Torta and Amelindy actually in the car!

Torta and Amelindy trying to run me over!

Pulgita and Moi going into the house after they left!

Also, I got invited to this thing called findagoth.com, it's like myspace for goth/punk kiddies. I joined and I really love how easy it is to use! It's awesome!!! I made a link for it right here:

title or description
My FindaGoth Profile

I also took these pics last night before I chatted with my buddy David. He's neato-skeeto! :p These are my "morose-pity" pics. LOL I'll probably display them on my myspace because I'm an attention-whore like that. LIVE WITH IT!

Don't look away!

Don't look at me! (I'm so complex!)

Yeah...so anyway, I've had a massive migrain that comes and goes for the past 4 days, going on 5. I think it's from tension because I was scared about my deep cleaning today. It wasn't horrible or anything, to my surprise. They sedated my mouth with Lidocain (Novicain's little sister!:P) and cleaned my teeth good! The mouth-numbing didn't stop until about 4 hours later! Oi! I'm more scared about my tooth extractions. Grrr...
Oh, and I went to Target and (*FINALLY!*) got me a DVD/VHS/CD player! Yay! Now I can hang out with my friends in my room without interrupting Dad's very important TV time! :p Little Brother connected all the wires and shit for me. Yay, Little Brother!
It's going to be another 2 weeks before I even BEGIN to start to re-do my website. Sorry to say, but I'm going to have to change the url. :( I really don't want to, but I don't see any other way to do it. *sigh* Hopefully I'll find another way so I don't have to. The reason I have to wait is because this comp I'm on right now is so fucked up, it can't support the page builder the site provides. Once I get my new comp, I'll begin construction. yay!
Other than that, this cat is ca-razy tired! I'll still stay up late though. I have no life. :p
Mr. Ronnie Duarte, where have you gone????
we've gone too far to turn back now, I might as well stay
If you're down for whatever, I'm down for the same

past rants - future ramblings

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