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2005-08-06 - 2:14 a.m.

I went to the mall with Amelindy and Vidal! First, we went to the Wals*Mart to get a money order for the MP3 player Vidal bought. Then we went to Tower Records. I saw all my peeps.('cept Mikey G., but that's OK, I'm over it) And I didn't see my beloved Mike B. (he used to follow me around...I called him my cat...). :( And I also saw the other Mike, Nintendo Mike as we call him. Everytime I see him in the store, he's really happy to see me and he talks to me. Awe! I feel loved! :p Do I dare ask him for his number next time I go in? Maybe...I'm probably confusing his kindness for affection. It's weird, though, because I never looked at him that way, but now that I have, he's pretty cute and funny. :p Ah, I'm a fool for love!

I got the movie "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" and the newest Gothic Beauty magazine. I should really get a subscription, but meh. In the mall, I also got a corset top (it's kinda big for me, but I'll pin it up) and I had to buy new peircings for my eyebrows. It's $6.99 just for the part that screws on to it and $12.99 for ONE 18 gauge curved barbell at Rukus! I went to Claire's and bought the trio (1 horseshoe, 1 spiral, 1 barbell) for $12.99. I really didn't want to, but I had to. Amelinda bought, like, $10 worth of lip gloss today! It's funny because each time we go out, she buys lip gloss! hahaha!

And I let this make-up counter at the mall put some foundation on me...and I looked all shiny and plastic-like! Argh, the make-up totally made me look HORRIBLE!!! I had a hard time wiping it all off!

I hung out with Le Tonzy after Vidal and I ate some chicken. We both (along with his 2 sisters and bro) watched the movie I bought and I hung out with his sisters. I love his little sisters! They're awesome! Tonzy said he got a larf out of the whole "Drowing Ariel" joke and wants to practice really soon. yay! I'm kinda in a new band! I miss being creative and musical.

My hair is turning a greenish/bluish color. I'm going to dye it purple next month. :) Soon I'll have pictures with my hair of almost every color of the rainbow!!! Wow, I really have a lot of time on my hands.
...SoMeOnE pLeAsE MaKe Me beAuTiFuL aGaIn...

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