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2008-04-15 - 7:56 p.m.

Today was a weird day in a sorta crazy/cool kinda way. I left the house without my usual corset sweater because I couldn't find it for the life of me. I thought I left it in the car but I didn't and I had to bring wear my Magdalena sweater wich is very heavy and not flattering at all!!! hahah My badge was in the corset sweater pocket but I had a spare in my Hello Kitty lunch box at work. I keep my supplies in there.

The Lunch Box:

Happy Bunny cut-out holding the words "issues" and "problems" :p

Sticker from an old Tidy Cat promo

"For Happy Girls Lisa Frank" with a test print happy face icon

The front of the lunch box :)

I coloured in one of the faces :p

I was really bored this morning. :p

After a while I got really hot under my heavy sweater and said Fuck It I'll take it off. I felt a little self-conscience because the shirt I was wearing was kinda low-cut and it kept sliding down! I didn't want anyone to think it was offensive or anything, ya know?

My offensive shirt LOL:

"Offensive? As Fuck, man! hahaha"

I got a lot of comments on how bright it was! A gentleman said I was wearing 'a very happy colour!" hahah Denise said "You're so bright! I don't see a black sweater!" hahah I asked her about the cash office, what they do n stuff and how much the pay is. I went back to the computers to put in that I was interested in a position there but the comp wouldn't let me because I have an active coaching. DAMNIT!!!

After a while at self checkouts I had no people so I started pulling people from other lines. I approached a gentleman in a cart and asked if he'd like me to ring him up. He looked familiar but at the same time I was like no way...and then he beckoned his wife to see if she'd like it if I rang her up...it was Mike's parents! I was like no way! It'd been a year and some months since I'd last seen them! I was tripped out because I was worried that they still were kinda hmm...about me but we caught up and chatted friendly, it was a good chat. I was very happy to see them, they're nice people. I packed them all up and we said our goodbyes. I was in a good mood after that. :)

I also talked to a woman that used to work at the Michigan Walmart that comes in from time to time. She has a broken back and takes 12 meds a day just to dull the pain. We talk every time she comes in about our injuries and she's a real dear, super nice and patient.

Before I was supposed to get my last break, I was told Assistant Manager Michelle was on her broomstick and wanted to see me and I was like "Great...what else doesn't she like about me? It's my shirt right? ARGH" but I was actually looking for her all day. Since I can't make it to Fanime, I needed to be scheduled the days I wanted off. Turns out she didn't really need to talk to me, that it was a different gal by the same name. I did tell her about the date changes though. She told me that she 'appreciated' my hair colour (*rolls eyes*) and that my attendance wasn't bad since last we spoke. I'm sure she was careful not to say it was good. :p

I got to talk to Mike on the phone, he called cos his parents told him they saw me. We talked about him in San Diego, his Marines stuff, leisure time n the like. I talked about myself n what I've been up to briefly. It was a good talk on both ends, we're both doing well and we're both happy with our lives.

When I left, I called Kevin because I remembered I may have left it with him. Turns out I did and since I didn't need it this weekend it was there for a while. When I went to pick it up, he suggested we eat at Chilli's so I was like ok, kewl! My easily entertained nature truly shone in the car ride. LOL We went to Applebee's instead, it was good. :) We had quite a ecclectic chat over an appetizer sampler, I really like talking to him about strange anomalies and the crazy crap that's in my head. Then to Walmart again to get his nephew a pressie for his b-day. Nerf guns! oi!!! with fucking LASERS! hahah

Now I'm home relaxing, talking to Gary on AIM, listening to my random mix of awesome-tastic musica, downloading more awesome-tastic musica, marveling at how fast the time has passed and feeling pretty good about today. It wasn't horribly slow and it wasn't full of horrendously stupid customers. Yay! And I made lots of lists of stuff I need/want to buy/do. :D

Oh, and here's 2 more pics from the thrift store :) me n ma went to buy a shelf my dad wanted for his b-day!

cute lil' Asian dolls! They remind me of Monica aka Blonde Bettie :p

this squirrel looked funky! It's like "Oh, my stomach!" haha

I can really go for a coffee. Uhh...I want a soy Java chip...anyone up for it? eh? eh? :D Fine...LOL


Really? So PINE TREES give BIRTH to COCONUTS? Interesting...

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