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2009-02-23 - 10:42 a.m.

I'm guessing it's because some really important things are coming up (Saul's court day, Ash Wednesday, school, etc.) but my dreams have been very strange lately.

Two nights ago, in my dreams a girl I know only through a nerd forum I frequent was hanging out with me at a party and she looked really really pretty and her face was like butter, it was just flawless and she looked totally cute in glasses. She was there cos she was going to hook up with a boy I used to date and in the dream I was kinda mad about it but I know he was over me.

One night ago I dreamed I was at a camp. I often dream of this camp; it's like we're all trapped there and there's a deep ravine that goes from the pavement road to the camp and we couldn't jump over it because it was too wide and it was a narrowing slit. We tried to escape and what looked like a cartoon dog with a cartoon girl and I went under some logs and mud into a forest clearing that looked totally gloomy. The girl said, "Not today, any day but today" cos she knew a tornado was coming. It never touched down in the dream, though.

(Tornado:1. Vast life changes, for better or for worse, are looming in the near future. Whether the changes are for better or worse can be deduced from other symbols in the dream.
2. A surprise is coming�a surprise so unexpected and outrageous that the dreamer will be "blown away".)

Last night in my dream I was climbing out of a half-empty pool through the silver ladder. There were steps to a really fancy house right as you come out of the pool. At the sliding door to get in there was a picture I couldn't quite make out. When I opened the door who but Hugh Lauri (House) would be there? We were talking like we were close and another woman came over like she was mad at me for talking to him. It was a party in the house though I didn't see anyone else there.

All of a sudden, I'm looking at myself and I look in my mouth. My teeth were nasty eroded. There's a gap in between my teeth and my gum on my bottom left hand side so I lifted it up a little and underneath the gum the side wall of my gum on the inside of my mouth (where the tongue is) revealed a set of teeth right there, like a wall of them facing inward, all eroded as well. I was then in my body again and I touched the bottom left side of my jaw and it was broken off from the rest of my mouth and it hurt!

I've had enough dreams about teeth to know what they they mean. >.< WHY?!

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