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2008-10-28 - 9:12 a.m.

I woke up at around 8am after staying over a friend's house. Usually I don't go out the front entrance because my car's usually closer to the back gate but it was street cleaning on that street so I had to park it closer to the front.

There was something undeniably awesome about how clear the sky was, it was just stark blue, no clouds in it, you could see the mountains as if they were right behind the apartment buildings. The way the sun streaked on the next buildings over, gosh, it just amazed me. I know it sounds dorky but it made me realize the small things that I've missed out on while focusing what I couldn't attain.

As I was walking, I just said over and over again in my head, God, thank You for showing me this today, thank You for making the world so beautiful, I hope I get to see the world more as You mean to show it to me, I hope I have the strength to do what You set me out to want to do...

cos I knew, I just knew, in that instance, what I had to do...what I needed to do, what I wanted to do...I won't say now, but it's been something I've been thinking about for about 5 years and I think God is calling me to do more for people and I've talked to a few people about this. Maybe it's time for me to do it. Maybe it's time...

Only time will tell.

xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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