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2009-04-01 - 5:40 p.m.

There are a lot of people in my life, good, bad, and indifferent. Some have been water that maintain a steady stream of presence. Some have been pebbles that had left their mark and moved on. Some have been important stepping stones that support me through my journeys and either leave me level with my path, take it in a different new direction forever or for a while, raise me up to where I need to belong, or crack under the pressure, crumble, and disappear. Some have been the trees, some doing no wrong coming in and out of the scene and some that do no good rotting the path, trying to uproot my stones and my path.

Not everyone has had the same roles: some have moved on to the path or gone to the trees. Some of the stones have gone to uprooting the path. Some of these role reversals have made me gone mad, some I've tried to stop and others I've let go and they've come back twice as strong. Whatever roles they had then and have now, I don't forget what they meant and I don't forget what I've learned. For all the horrible stress, for all the wonderful times, the joys, the sadness, the anger, the gladness, I'm glad to have had so many people in my path and have so many people to share my path with. Whatever may come in the future, whatever may be and whoever comes and goes, I am grateful for every piece of my path and if I loose a piece, then maybe it was just for that time it was there and moved on, if I gain one, it's a matter of time to see their importance.

It's only a matter of time.

xoxo, Mercades

past rants - future ramblings

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