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2008-10-03 - 11:49 p.m.

My lovely 2 days away started on Tuesday night when the lovely Miss Mayra and her friend picked me up from mi casa and we went to Walmart cos she needed some stuff and i forgot my kitty ears at home so i needed to buy some loaners. harhar When we got there, we talked some with Miss Arlene before we slept. I had the greatest sleep in ages, swear!!!

In the morning we woke up early and started getting ready for the concert. We needed the time!!! Mayra dressed in her panda schoolgirl outfit and looked adorable!!!! She went against wearing her full panda head because we were scared someone would try to take it. I was some sort of confused child with elements of an undead kitty schoolgirl stripper :p I also had fun watching that crazy ferret she has sleep all weird in his little hammock :p

Before we left for the concert and to pick up John, we went to the Tyler mall and walked around to find Torrid and Hot Topic. We got a lot of awkward attention that was pretty cool LOL We saw some really cute puppies at a puppy store! Mayra got a sweet black skirt and I got an awesome plaid sweater (SIZE 0 OMG, I FIT IN A 0 @ TORRID!!!) and a new ring. Also, a Torrid credit card! *shock!* sweeeeeet

I killed a panda...muahhaha

meow! I is CONFUSED!

view from above (yes, I know the stockings are on backwards)

I liked the way the graffiti on Tako's mirror looked :p

full view, I'm trying to look cute

Beizel! (sp?) he's soooo cute and slinky!!!


Panda Pose!

For Gary: cute lil' sleeping husky!!! awe!!!!

After picking up John, listening to MSI in the car and eating at Carl's Jr. (and not eating at Panda Express hahrahrahr) we found Johnny in line and met up with him. We took lots of pics with the cool dressed-up folks in line, signed a Monopoly box some fans wanted to give Jimmy, talked lots and freaked out the normals! The venue we waited outside at is right at the entrance of Anaheim stadium so anyone parking in the structure across the way HAD to pass by us and our freakish appearances. Muhahah!!! This older crowd control guy told me, "With a skirt like that, you should get in for free!!!" O.O all I could do is laugh and kinda cry at the same time. I don't know how to react to that stuff!!!!

the dinosaur/crocodile dood in line

He's gonna eat the panda!!!

Johnny's eating the panda!!!

John being John

all the lovely freaks in the front of the line!


Johnny took a pic of our booooobs

Mayra, John n Johnny

Who's a dork?

"a little more to the right..."

lookit her lil' tail!!!!

Mayra signing the Monopoly box

my signature is the darkest one on the upper right hand corner

um...we fans are really friendly...

John wouldn't let me take a picture of the sky, so I took a pic of him taking a pic!!!!

it's a cloud turtle!

When we got in the venue, they were playing Pink Floyd before the first band started. We didn't go in the mosh pit even though we could have. There weren't that many people there but the people who were there were pretty awesome! Small and intimate! The first band was called DA and they were cool, I liked the first two songs but then all their songs kinda sounded the same. The second band was called Interparty System and Mayra was really excited to see them because she and Arlene had heard them recently on satellite radio and liked them. Sweet! THEY knew how to put on a show, it was very entertaining!!!! Mayra bought the CD for that band.

Marquee entering the venue

I like this pic of Mayra and Johnny, the lights look so cool!

John is staring off in the distance in deep thought

GA onstage

Interparty System onstage with their trippy lights

Interparty System front man in the mist

FINALLY after waiting for what seemed like forever, MSI came onstage and blew us all away! Jimmy came out in a paint splattered suit and started with his antics! He got a stuffed sea lion and played with it, even stuck it down his pants! >.< People kept throwing stuff onstage and he'd put it in front of the drums, but a kewl pair of black and red suspenders he said, "No, that goes in the keeper pile!!!!" They sang so many songs, doing silly things in between and pumping up the crowd. He got a gal dressed as Pikachu and the boy dinosaur/alligator onstage to sing Faggot, that was fun!!!

the stage

Enter: Jimmy Urine!

Jimmy with a stuffed animal down his pants

Steve, Righ?

the band rocking out!

Lin Z and the crazy unicorn octopus

Pikachu and Dinosaur boy


what's the point?

this is all he really needs to do anymore!!!

green fairy wings in the keeper pile!

one last song...

I took some videos but my camera was dying :(

Never Wanted to Dance

Bring the Pain Sing-Along

Lip-Sync Finale

We overheard the manager say that if we wanted an autograph or anything that we should head out to the side of the stage. So we were fence-sitting for a while and we saw Lin Z first and she tooks pics and signed autographs. Not a lot of people know this but her husband is Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance and HE WAS FREAKIN' THERE!!!!

basking in the glow of her fans!

Miss Mayra and Moi with Lin Z!!!!

Then Kitty came out and signed autographs and took pictures. She's such a sweetheart!!!! She looked so cute in her little tuxedo outfit!

Panda n Kitty

Kitty n Kitty!

Furry friends all around!

Steve sloooowly made his way to his adoring public. I asked him for a picture and he said, "Awe, you're dressed like a lil' kitty, of course I'll take a picture with you my little feline friend!" LOL He was the last member I needed a pic with!!! And IDK what that stuff is on his face but it magically appeared while he was playing. He also grabbed Mayra's panda ears and said, "Go see Tropic Thunder!" LOL!!!

Steve looking a little hazy, eh?

I think he looks like a panda, too!

Jimmy didn't come out, boo!!! But apparently he was onstage signing stuff. :( Meh.

After the concert, I was surprised to see a text from Kevin, I called him back and he said he just wanted to make sure I was okay and stuff. Awe! :) Saul hoped I had a good time and I did. :)

The next day Tak took me home and we ate Jack in the Box while in the car, talked about a lot of stuff and tried to steal some kittens! We went to Walmart and ran into some people, including Kevin :) When I came home he stood a while which made me really happy because we hadn't really hardcore hung out since he'd come back from Alaska. We watched silly videos and tortured the Squeaky Toy. Somehow he got it afraid of my black bag!!! He also dropped off some stuff to sell on e-bay. w00t!

I tried to steal the kitties but no luck :(

there's a face...Tak tried to drive slow so I can take this pic!!!

what's in the bag?

Cat's outta the bag!

and this picture will live in absolute infamy forever and ever...


Very special thank you to Mayra for her hospitality! Thank you Arlene for being cool with me around the house! Thanks to Tak for taking me home and hanging out with me! And John and Johnny for being awesome concert mates! w00t!!!

I had the coolest two days away. :)

Well, that took me FOREVER AND EVER!!!! to post so I really hope you all enjoyed it!!!!


even if you have to tell them math problems, just do whatever you have to to slow them down!

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