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2005-04-05 - 8:00 p.m.

I have a new Verizon camera phone! It ROCKS!!! I love it! I can talk all I want at night and the weekend and not worry about my minutes!!! Yay! My old phone is up for grabs, crappy Cingular pre-paid shit. I couldn't keep my old phone number (BUMMER!!!) but if you want it, call my old phone number. I left a voice mail with my new number on it. If you don't have my old number, e-mail me and I'll give it to you. P.S. I can't text on my new phone. :(
I have a new job!!! AT TOWER RECORDS!!! I've been trying to get hired there since I turned 18!!! Good times! The lady and guy that interviewed me were really laid back and cool. They interviewed me at 4:30 and around 5 they called my cell and told me to start tomorrow!!!! Yay!!! I so happy! :D :D :D *Finally* I have a job! Believe it or not, I owe this job to Vidal because he pushed me to apply there and I didn't really want to. But then I did anyway, and now I's gots a job!!! Yay!!! Plus it's full time, so I get full benifets (medical/dental/optical) plus a discount at Tower and Good Guys!!! I'm so stoked about everything! Everything is turning out a little bit of allllllllright! :)
It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away

past rants - future ramblings

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