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2008-07-09 - 5:49 p.m.

Last night Le Tigre invited me over to his new place to check it out. It's a pretty nice area, close driving distance. I went inside and was wowed by how huge the kitchen was! :p His room is still being unpacked as most of the house is but it looks like it's going to be really cozy. We watched Cowboy Bebop the Movie and chatted about all sorts of things. He wanted me to stay, he was so cute, sometimes he makes me feel so special. It's terrible.

Le Tigre also showed me the car his mom gave him, it's a nice car and he's super excited about it. New car, new driver's license, new apartment, good times for him. Maybe he needs a new me? LOL He says he's going to come to my house now that he has a car, that means I have to keep my room clean hahaha, that would be nice to have him around but I'm not counting on anything right now, I want him to get settled in his new place and stuff. And I know he'll be going out a lot more now.

Today all day there were people shooting a commercial for Walmart in the store for Martha Stewart's new party supply crap or something. Two associates were chosen to be in the commercial and got $250!!! Woah!

It looked pretty boring from the distance but there was a full-on film crew, extras, catering service, etc. there. Me and Heidi talked most of the morning. She ran into my ex Joseph in a chat room! Small world, eh?

There was a girl with a kitten today, soooo cute, so small!!! Not even 3 weeks!!! My heart melts for lil kitties!!!

Albert told me that I called him while he was asleep last night (I called at 8:30!!!) and that he was way tired. It went straight to voicemail so I didn't wake him, which is good. He went in my line to buy a soda and he looked so beat! Poor thing. :(

I had really bad anxiety before I left the store, IDK why.
I may go out tonight but I really don't know.

My dog Eddie got fixed. :p Eddie Spaghetti's meatball's ain't ready now! >.< He's wearing a little cone thing around his head, freakin' hilarious watching that little white lampshade walking and bumping around things in the house!


*sigh* I need a new job.


I'll be doing you a favor...

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