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2008-08-06 - 8:45 a.m.

I have an adopted kitty from Tonzy named Clouds. I'm going to nurse her to health until she's well enough to be on her own. Him and the sisters came by to drop her off. I caught her sleeping on top of Pulgita this morning. :p (Pics to come)

I went out to see The Dark Knight with Jared. We'd both seen it already but we both really liked it and he invited me out last night out of the blue and I hadn't seen him since Feb. so I was like sure.

He picked me up.

We talked in the car.

He paid.

We saw the movie.

We talked some more.

We hugged goodbye.

He dropped me off.

I came home.

No touching, no kissing, no hand-holding, googly eyes, rude comments, hinting gestures, groping, pressure, nothing like that. It was a chill night with a person I hadn't seen in a long time who wanted nothing but my company to see a kick-ass movie. Wow.

It's fucking refreshing! I haven't gone out like that in a long time. I was chill and relaxed when I came home.

And to top off the evening, Tak called me! We talked for like 2 hours about everything and anything until he fell asleep. Can't wait for him to come back and he can't wait to come back, either. I miss the lil' kitty!!!

Oh, and sorry, Kevin, for waking you up!!! I feel really bad about it! :( meow


what doesn't kill you makes you stranger

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