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2005-10-07 - 11:57 p.m.

First things first:

Your darkest secret is:
you bought a thigh master from a garage sale

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I havn't been online in a bit. Mostly in part because I like to sleep early and my bro is on the phone with his girly all the time, but he's asleep right now (yay!) and now I get to play online. Fun. Updates:

Work- SUCKS!!! They moved me to the Little Ceaser's section of K-Mart because they said it wasn't fast-paced. Now they said I'm too slow at work. >:( Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have to make pizzas and crazy bread and all that other good stuff. Now that I know what's in the crazy bread, I'm NEVER going to eat it again. Ever.
The only cool part about my new job is that this guy called Jose works there and he's totally funny and hot. :p LOL I think everyone is hot. :p He lives close to me. Oh, and Shawn showed up at my work and started to bug me, and Jose covered for me and told Shawn that I had left already. (Good looking out, yo!)
I only work on Tuesday and Friday next week. GRRRR!!!!
I'm basically waiting to get fired. I'm going to use this next week to find a new job.

Health- Sucks as well. I have allergies big time right now. I'm totally congested and sneezy and whatnot. Grrr. I found some medicine and have been taking it. I feel a lot better than I did this afternoon. When my dad picked me up and took me to eat, he told me that I should go to sleep because I looked and sounded like crap. :p I looooove my poppy. Other than the allergies, I'm always tired. Always. I was never this tired working an 8 hour day at Tower, but I'm totally exhausted after a 4 hour day at K-Mart. I guess it's because I don't like what I'm doing. *sigh* Other than that, I'm a little bit of alllllllright, a little depressed and broken out in the face, but alright.

Love- Nothing new to report, same peoples are still bugging/calling/stalking me with one exception: Ernesto. He has a girlfriend now. Woo. I have the worst luck with guys when they come on to me drunk. (Or best luck when drunk? Hmm...kinda depends on how you look at it, I suppose...) I have a crush on a guy at work, Jose. LOL He's hawt. And funny. I like guys who are funny. If I get fired, I'm so hitting him up. :p

Family- My dad and I are spending a lot of time together and I'm going out of my way to try to hang out with him a little more. I either love or dispise my dad and right now, I am happy with him. I'm learning to love him again. It's hard because he doesn't really know me, but hey, it's better than the latter. Mom and I havn't been talking a lot or spending a lot of time together because usually I'm asleep when she comes home, but of course I make time for her as well. Jerry...he's manic as always and he was putting his head on my tummy and said, "Is my new nephew in here?" LOL DOrk. We did some weird bro/sis bonding the other day when I braided his hair. He looks really smashing in this braided hair. I actually did it right and not half-assed like I used to braid Phil's hair. LOL (Sorry, Phil!)
I talked to my real dad a while back, he was cool about stuff. We didn't talk at legnth about anything important, he just made fun of me for being tired from work. LOL That's just how our relationship works.

Music- Drowning Ariel hasn't had a practice since Mela's birthday party. Yikes. We desperately need a practice. Dwayne and Ron came by my house to hear what I can do on the keyboard. I totally screwed that up. I guess I need to be told what to do. They said they'd come back another time to hear me sing. That I can do. I second-guess my abilities to play instruments, but I know I can sing. Ech, but I can't right now because of my stupid allergies. Actually, I can, I just can't hear myself and I sound all nasally. Oohhh, SeXy! LOL barf.

Friends- I've been hanging out with Amelindy a lot because she's cool. Le Tonzy and I havn't been communicating because of the weirdness of our work hours and whatnot. It's hard for me to hang out with people right now. I recently got a visit from my lovely gal pal Crystal, who I havn't seen in ages. She's comming into her own now, she's prettier and prettier everytime I see her. :)

Spirituality- I'm starting to come back to church. What I really should do is go to confession. (YIKES!!!) It's scary, but satifying to come back to church. I feel like I'm doing something good for my soul.
Everything Else- Meh. I cleaned my room because-I swear-there was a wild cat in my room and it totally dissapeared. :p eek. My cat is whiney as always and now I feed the neighbor's cat, but he won't come close to me at all. He's just using me for food. Boo hoo LOL I feel like such crap. I'm going to go to the doc's for my annual physical to see what's wrong with me this year. Halloweeny is comming! Halloweeny is comming! And all I need to finish my costume is a red petticoat and some thick red ribbon for a huge bow in the back. I'm going to base my look on a china doll so I'm going to be unbelievably pale for halloween. :D Sweeeeeeet. My latest obsession is with a band called Suicide City, but I took a night off from the gloom and doomy-ness of myself to listen to some mind-numbing Portishead. The CD's over now, though, so I'll find something else to lift my soul.

That's all for now. Leave me to my sulking now.


This shade of light is very kind to my face

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