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2004-01-01 - 2:57 p.m.

Happy New Years Everyone!

Yesterday's party was a great success! I had a few people over. The guest list included Maggot, Mela, Videl, Jack, Aries, Sauce, and Little Brother. But Jack, Aries, and Sauce didn't show but Aries is having a party on Saturday so I'll see her then. :) And it's kinda good she didn't come cuz her ex, Rudy, ended up comming with a backpack full of MGDs! Mom and dad left around 8pm or so and then the booze broke out. THere was pizza and chips and dip, too. Good time for all!

Then Maggot and everyone else wanted to go out and buy some more beer and cigarettes so I drove mom's car to the liqore store and they bought what they needed. When we got back a few minutes after that, Bob and Little Luis came over and were hanging out for a while. Bob got mad at Little Brother so he left, pissed. Luis stayed until, like, 2:30 in the morning.

In the meantime, Maggot spent a lot of the night laying on Mela and then when he left to go smoking on the roof, Videl took Maggots place and they looked kida cozy. It was really cute. I spent most of the night with my head on Rudy's shoulder not expecting anything. Maggot got kinda jelouse when he saw Mela and Videl like that. He left, not pissed, but because he was going to spend the night at his friend Hector's house. The rest of us watched movies all night, including Night of the Living Dead, Night of the Living Dead II, Clerks the Animated Series, Young Frankenstien, and some TV. Rudy explained to me how much he hates the government and how Bush is evil and whatnot. He also explained to me how he changed into a believer of God after three of his friends got possesed by demons. I remember how Rudy used to be cuz on my first or second retreat, he made everyone gasp when after recieving the blessing from the priest for not recieving communion on his forhead, he wiped it off. He is a better person today.

Mom and dad came a little later and everone went home around 2am. Mela said she wanted to kiss Videl for a New Year's kiss, but she didn't want to take advantege of him because he was pretty drunk. But the party was a complete and utter success and we all had a loveley time!


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