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2003-11-17 - 12:56 a.m.

Yay! I've stepped back into the 21st century and got internet!!! Dad only got it again because of those free CDs for AOL we get in the mail. But we have internet so I'm happy.

I tore off my salon nails the other day and I cannot believe how much better I can play my piano and type!!!! I want to let the thin parts grow out so the new part of my nails arn't going to be as thin. I don't know if I'll get my nails done again, but I'll see what I can do with my own natural nails for a while. I have a desire to cut my hair again, but I know once I do, I'll regreat it. But I want to practically shave off my hair and give it to those orginizations that make wigs for hairless kids. I dunno.

I'm a hair away from going into college team, so I have to pray that Father John thinks I'm ready. I talked to Pedro again and he is really funny! I respect him as an elder and I'm trying to get to know him as a friend. I saw John again, and I'm starting to think that he's gay or metro. He's really a great person to be around and he's so uplifting and good looking and friendly. Insperation (the Six Flags trip) is this Saturday and it's going to be soooo much fun!!!

I might not go though because I FINALLY got a job!!! I'm going to be working at Sears. I'm not sure where I'm going to be working in the store, but my friend Dezi said that I might be in the women's department. She knows because she used to work there.

I've been praying for Adrian still and I hope he's OK. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason and I think this reason was to teach me to not take things for granted because when you do, they slip away from you. I don't mean that this happened soley to teach me a lesson, but it is a thought...


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