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2009-01-12 - 4:56 p.m.


Oh, Squeaky Toy, my little boy
drinking from my cups of water and spilling them over
un-affectionate little thing unless I'm trying to type on the keyboard
and you learned how to open doors, a stealthy little ninja on all fours
purring your little brains out and sitting on my feet while I make dinner
and you're too cute and dorky for me complain
playing in the towel drawer like a crack addict
little one of teeth and fur, you have a mustache under your chin
why oh why is it under your chin?
the dog tried to eat you but you scratched him and lived
despite having a dislocated rib
Oh, my little scrapper Squeaky Toy

He's asleep on my arm brace as we speak.

xoxo, mErci

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