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2007-03-02 - 6:33 a.m.

So after being hasseled by some drunk 18 and 19 year old boys at the liquor store for my number (and being partially molested by two of them as I left...fuckers, I felt so dirty, then they had the nerve to ask if I would go drink with them and if I had any diseases so I can blow/fuck them...what's this fucking world comming to?!) I come home and talk to my Tako <3

Around 11:30 or so, I hear this fucking comotion outside, it's my brother punching things and throwing things in his room and screaming and my dad's yelling at the top of his lungs for my bro to get his act together and shit. My bro starts crying and a few minutes later my mom tells me they're going to the hospital because they things he broke his hand. I don't know what time they came home or if my bro is home or in the mental hospital. We'll see as the day goes on.

And last night, I was so fucking tired that I didn't hear my phone ring until it was too late and they hung up and it was a unavailable number so I don't know who called! ARGH! I hate not knowing who called me and I hate not being there for someone who needed me! So if you called me last night, SORRY!!!! *muah*

The only bright spot last night was chatting with Tako <3 I miss him a lot. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I can't wait...::tears::

One more day


the boy that you loved is the monster you fear

past rants - future ramblings

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