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2009-01-19 - 8:08 p.m.

So I was supposed to go to the Queen Mary but my car was all messed up. GRR! I made delishious food though, I was very happy with the way it came out and so was the rest of my familia. Dad and I went out for ice cream, yummies! And I got a text from Mr. K saying he was at the Chinese Gardens in Huntington. I'd never heard of it before, but he sent me pictures and they were just bEaUtiFuL! I definitely want to visit there!

While we were eating a dinner, we heard the dogs fighting and the FUCKING PIT BULL KILLED OUR NEW PUPPY FUCKSHITPISSASSFUCK and we told Jer and Dad to get rid of that fucking dog but...uh...we beat the dog with sticks and brooms to try to get her off the puppy's throat and the other dogs were pulling at the pit bull's fur to get her off but no good. It was devastating and all kinds of nasty and heartbreaking to fucking watch a dog kill a fucking puppy, it was so nasty to see the dead dog under his teeth. Uh...and a few days ago the same fucking dog at a neighbor's cat. FUCK THIS >.<

We called the humane society so we could get the dog out of there. We told Jer and he was all kinds of pissed off for the wrong reasons, as usual, putting the blame on other people for his problems, asking why we didn't take the fucking dead dog in the house, why did we let the pit bull keep eating the dead dog, yeah, cos we REALLY wanted to go outside and get attacked ourselves right? Jerk ass. Anyway, the animal control lady came, took the dogs away, and told Jer not to get any more pit bulls. He better not fucking bring home any animals, he doesn't fucking take care of them.

So in between that drama, I heard from miss Amelindy! She and Vane` are coming by tomorrow so I can help them with making a myspace for their portfolio. She's also going to take pics of me for her portfolio. The theme is crazy club wear. :p I got that down! :D I talked with her for a long while until before our financial consultant came over to talk with us. I have to get new life insurance for myself cos my parents need to switch over theirs but it's only about $26 a month, not bad at all. And I can take out the money with no penalties if I choose to accrue the money towards something like a car or a downpayment on a house. That'll help me a lot.

As it stands right now (and rightfully so, as we see it), if something unfortunate should happen to both my parents, I would be in charge of everything and I would get the money from their life insurance. This is very important because my brother is nowhere near mature to handle that sort of thing and he would just misuse his share of the money anyway. Hell, if he had it his way, he's probably just throw their bodies over the freeway and let the dam water sweep them away. No respect. No respect.

I'm still unnerved about seeing the whole dog incident. I'm very sad about the puppy, that puppy was adorable. *sigh* I'm going to drink some water, I'm done drowning my sorrow with milk and cookies. I've started my stomach exercises again and I don't want to undo that work. Oh, and I'm like GRRR cos I bought some stockings with lace and a little corset embellishment on the side to replace the ones I used to have in high school and they ALREADY have a run in them, a big huge noticeable irreparable one!!! ARGH!!! Back to Torrid I go, fuck. Eh, at least I took some nice pictures in them. Still...grrr...

Tomorrow: Visit from Amelindy and Obama gets inaugurated! History making stuff, man! What a time to be alive! This was an interesting MLK day to say the least, ever channel with Obama on the TV, this is important for a lot of people. I'm happy for change, it's about freakin' time and all, I just hope that everything we hoped for happens, inside and outside a new president.


is it me or are teenagers looking more and more ridiculous?

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