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2004-06-22 - 12:22 a.m.

2004-06-20 00:45:00 An Un-Expected Party & My Beautiful�s Falters

Today I was supposed to hang out all day with Mario, but it ended up being a good thing that I didn�t. Play Brother and I got picked up by Mario and right away Mario started to complain that Eddie R. didn�t invite him to this party that we were getting dropped off at. (It was Rita�s graduation party) We went to the house and I though we were going to drop off Play Brother and me and Mario would go to his house. It turned out to be me and Play Brother staying because Mario had to take care of some stuff with his friend.

I had fun at the party. There was Arabic music playing the whole time (except for an 80s dance mix CD that was put on after a while). Rita is Egyptian and her family was there speaking Arabic and dressed in different clothing. I really liked being there because I was submerssed in so much of this culture. A lot of Life Teen people were there and I was glad we all got to hang out. I spent a lot of time with Chelly, Mindy, Play Brother and Jackie. (Jackie is Rita�s sister) :D I was really glad that I got to talk to Jackie for a lot of the day.

Jackie�s cousins and friends talked to me, too, and I got to see Rita dance with Eddie R. It was really cool the way they danced! Jackie�s dad was teasing her the whole time because he thought that she liked Phil for some reason. But I know that she doesn�t like Phil�.hehe. There was a lot of soda and there was a lot of chicken, different kinds of salad, and a big long sub sandwich. From where I was sitting, I could talk to Phil, Chelly, Jackie, and Pinky. I had fun talking to Jackie and seeing her young cousins. They were so adorable and skinny! They were very skinny children! I got to know Jackie a little more and I�m glad that I went in the end. :) And Father John came to the party, too! Crazy, no? This party had everything: Arabic music, belly dancers, doctors, an old teacher of Rita�s and a holy man! :D

Near about 9 o�clock I called Mario because I thought we were going to hang out and I really wanted to hang out with him at the time, so I called him a few times to see if he was going to come back for me. He came back after a while, but that was to talk to Eddie R. Mario left after that and Eddie R. was in no mood in the first place to talk to him. I didn�t pry. But while I was waiting for Mario, I got to talk to Jackie more before she had to go inside and help her mom cut the cake. I told her about my situation with Mario and she looked disgusted with him. I sat outside and contemplated getting home at that point, but I didn�t know how to get home from Rita�s house because it was kind of a turn here, sharp turn there kind of path to get there. I didn�t want to ask Rita because I know she wouldn�t want me to leave, so I ended up staying a while longer. Good thing too because as I sat and waited for Mario to call me, Pinky , Eddie R. and Play Brother sat and talked with me. We all talked and we all were having a great time joking around. :)

Then Mario came back.

He sat down in a chair and talked to me about why he didn�t come earlier and everything and then we went inside. We talked for a while and then he saw a piece of cake. He used the frosting to paint all over my face! I wiped it off at first, but then he demanded that I keep it on. As I went into the next room, everyone was completely stunned at the frosting on my face, and they demanded to know who put it there. I pointed coyly at Mario and everyone tore him a new one. :p I was sort of glad and sort of �don�t make a big deal� about it. This one guy cousin of Jackie�s said very loudly to Mario, �Is this how you treat a lady?� I was speachless about this because I�ve not been called a lady before. It was weird that this person that just met me called me a lady. I liked it.

After Jackie helped me wash off my face, she showed some concern about me going with Mario and then I left. I would have stayed, but I was acting a fool for Mario. He dropped off a friend of his and then took me home. It was a 20 minute ride and he talked to me about a lot of things that made me raise an eyebrow but instead of confronting him about it, I laughed nervously.

I don�t know where me and Mario are going at this point, because he said some things that made me feel very uncomfortable. (And if you know me, you�d know it takes a lot for someone to make me feel uncomfortable) Maybe this will all work itself out, but I�m not sure anymore. *sigh* I don�t know. Jackie was really uneasy about Mario, especially after the cake thing. And I love Jackie. Maybe I should take the hint�but I�m still a fool, after all�


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