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2004-06-18 - 12:00 a.m.

Today a social worker showed up today to make sure that the kiddies were being well fed and that they were provided with clothing and beds and all that jazz. After that we went to eat out at McDonald's and it was alright except that the french fries tasted lemony and there was this lady with, like, 5 kids in the booth next to us and they would not shut up!!!! Grrr!!! If you're going to have five kids, learn how to control them, cansarnit!!!

I've been driving everywhere lately because my mom's stressed, but every time the boys are in the car, they get me nervous and they don't listen to me when I tell them to shut the fuck up!!! Grrr!!!!

I'm pissed for one big reason: (read on at your own discretion) about 8 months ago, I stopped getting my period and I thought this was really unusual because when that happens you're either prego or somethings wrong with you. I already knew that something was wrong there to begin with, too, but I never went to a doctor, even though my mom told me to go. Lo and behold, a few days before a big function that I'm totally looking forward to comes, I start my period. It's weird how your own body can betray you sometimes.

Discretion Advisory Over

I'm totally looking forward to this beach trip! I am so psyched! I don't know why, but since I found out about the trip, I've been totally raring to go to it! I'm looking forward to the surf, the sun, the bbq, the singing, the friends, everything! It's one of the rare times that I get to be next to natural water! Yay! :D

Oh, and I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow. So is mom. :D Yay! We would have done it today, but we got caught up in the mall (were I got a Gothic Beauty magazine) and the mental doctor. THey wanted to re-admit Little Brother into the hospital, but instead they got him another appointment to put him on some medication. Yay!

I'm also supposed to enroll in class to be a pharmacy tech but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. And it's all on my mom this time, not me.

I'm not going to have the internet again for a while but hopefully (please!!!) I'll get a job somewhere, anywhere!!!

Little Brother and Jordan went with Play Brother, Maggot and Videl to the bowling alley today to bowl and have fun. It got Little Brother's mind off of shit and I got a few moments peace. I need space. Lots of space.

Oh, and looky here: bone kitty What's that kitty been up to?

He's got skulls in his tummy and mischief on his mind.

Could you die??? How cute is this????? Hehe! Yay! Squee!!!


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