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2007-03-09 - 6:37 a.m.

So Mike came over yesterday and he got all in his gear and his gun, a scary airsoft one, pretty freakin' cool though. We took a lot of pictures and they came out freakin' AWESOME, the sun was just right setting and there was enough light outside, I was afraid of loosing the light. Mike was always a good model to work with though and he was happy with the results. As soon as I'm done shopping one particular photo as a going away pressie, I'll post it up. He asked me not to post any of the pictures except for one, I respect that. Do trust, though, the pics came out awesome.

After that was finished, we talked for a very long time, he needed someone to talk to. Talked about his family, our relationships with other people, going back to the Marines, friends, shit in general. I told him a lot of shit straight out and it felt good just to be myself (finally) around him. I was pretty cool talking to him and I'm way surprised that he wanted to talk to me and tell me things that he needed to get out. I'm glad I can help out in any way I can. We ate Taco Bell, watched Invader Zim, then he left. And I'm glad that I can leave it at that because in the past I would have been very whistful and emotional about it and maybe called him and texted him a million times before he got home like I used to but didn't cuz that's not what I want to do anymore. What's done is done, yesterday happened, I'm not stuck on it and I'm actually OK with that. I'm glad I've gotten so strong. Persevere. :D I'm amazed at the stregnth God has given me.

I was talking to Tako last night and just GUESS who called me? You'll never guess....c'mon guess....no? Fine then, be that way. It was IGGY! :p oi! I gave him my number I can't remember when and he called me last night. He said he remembered me when he ran into me at WalMart that one time. LOLz madness. We talked for a little bit, he's really funny :p Got his myspace hehe myspace makes the world go round.

My phone freaked out on me after we talked but I called Tako back afterwards and he said that he vaugely remembers parts of the previous night's conversations. LOL My little toasted gummi bear. I might pick him up tonight and we'll have another fantastical Anne Frank weekend. Depends on what my parents are doing tomorrow morning. Blah.

Tires today. And I need gas. Jooooy. >.< And possibly going out with Steve.

Fuck it. I'm gonna be a stripper. I need more money. LOL


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