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2007-03-13 - 12:54 p.m.

I was supposed to pick up Tako on Friday, but I couldn't because I was too tired. So I was going to pick him up on Sat. after work, but while I was working, I saw him in my line and I was like, "OMG! What are you doing here????" His sister, her boyfriend and him all drove down so he could be here with me on the weekend!!!! How sweet! We ate lunch at Farmer Boys and I finished my shift. Got asian Mike a card and some alchohol. :P

When Tako and I got home, we hung out and whatnot, chilled on the bed and talked and kissed. <3 My phone kept ringing and whatnot. oi! It felt like we wern't even gonna make it to the party...hehe...but we eventually did after forgetting all sorts of stuff. :p

When we got there, asian Mike was already pretty much drunker than drunk, but he talked to me pretty hardcore while he was still aware of his surroundings about his crossroads and whatnot. He passed out cold a little while later, vowing never to drink agan. We'll see. I was the designated driver, no drink for me. Saw Eddie, Dwayne, Rocio, Steve, Miguel, Mr. Dick, Pam, Fancie, and met a nice cool guy called Scott who looked like Kevin Smith. :p He was awesome to talk to. Lots of people asked if me and Tako were together. I guess cuz we were all over eachother and whatnot. ;) I had a really lovely time except for near the end of the party where some bitches needed to get popped in the mouth. I gave Steve a ride home and had a bit of a breakdown in the car, it isn't that hard to drive and cry at the same time, it's harder to cover it up. Tako said that he never wanted to see me cry again, it made his so sad. What made me happy was sleeping next to him and waking up next to him. He told me he loved me first for the first time as he was drifting off into a drunken coma. <3
Pics before the party:

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Dig that cheesy smile!

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now Tako smiles cheesy!!!

The next day, we didn't get out of bed until late. Tako was majorly drunk and still hungover. It was hot so I wore my fave skirt, and it was too damn big for me because of my weight loss. my dad asked him if he slept over and there was an akward silence because he wasn't supposed to be over and whatnot. Tako fessed up and my dad said he's welcome to stay over but on the couch. Gave him the whole 'playing house' speech that everyone else gets when that happens. Blah blah blah. If we had left earlier, we wouldn't have gotten the speech, but oh well. Jer was the one who told. We picked up Amelindy for the photoshoot, went to Alfredo's for Carne Asada fries, yummies!!! And to Circle K for some RockStar and Grape drink LOL Ate, drank, talked, we all got along nicely. Amelindy told me in private that he seems really cool for me and whatnot. Yay! :D We took pics outside, she with her 35mm camera, and then some with my digicam. Here are the pics!:

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She told me to stand next to the PLastic sign :p LOL

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I love my shape in this pic! :p Corsets rock!!!

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me and my babe poolside

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staring off while the poolsnake lurks

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behind the barn, sharing a moment

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he makes me so happy

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give me your love

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LOL I *adore* this pic! I dunno if you can see, but he's giving me money LOL

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awe, *love*

My bro asked me to pick up a pizza for him, so we went and when we came back we went in the room. Tako fell asleep while me and Amelindy kinda watched The Notorious Bettie Page and talked like women do as we exchanged music online. It was around 9 when we all left, first to drop Amelindy off, then me and Tako to Olive Garden. T'was yummy. :D Mike called me, but I thought it was Albard (cuz their numbers both start with the same 3 numbers) bah. We came home late, but he was still paranoid about what my dad said, so after a short lived argument about who would sleep where, we agreed that he would sleep in my room, I on the couch and when my dad left for work, I'd crawl back into bed with him. And we did just that. It was so lovely to be next to him again.

Slept, he woke me up around 9 to go to my doc's appt. He stayed and slept, I got felt up and poked by the doc. I got the HPV vaccine. Yay! Went back home, hung out for a while before we went to the Kosher Pickle aka The Jewish Place. He likes it there a lot! Went home and slept until 7, I was in no rush to take him home. I talked to him in the car somewhat about some of the things in my mind. He assured me that we feel the same way about eachother and that I can talk to him about anything. I felt sick and tired, so we went to the local Target in his area for energy drink. Took one last pic in the car:

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Can you see how strained I am?

Made our way to his apartment, he forgot his keys at my house, though. :p I came in, met his mom, hung out in his 'room' (which is actually a walk-in closet, but very cozy) I stayed with him until I had to go home, but even then I went with him to go get gas in him mom's car. WHen we came home, we stayed in the car for a few songs and held eachother, it was a really beautiful moment we shared. And he told me for the first time (sober) "I love you" and I let that wash over me and made me feel so high and I told him, "I love you, too" Comming back home was hard because I felt like I was drifing on the freeway but I came home and waited on AIM for him. I went to sleep very late and didn't go to work this morning. Very bad since I really want to be a trainer. Shit. I can kiss that goodbye now. I'll still try, though. Tako's out of town again, but I'll call him tonight. I really need to go to school today. I woke up this morning all broken out from I don't know what. Stress? I don't know.

I love Tako so much. He told me over and over how special I am to him. He told me that I am the best thing that's happened to him. I didn't know what to say to that. I told him that he's the first guy I want to do thing right with. I don't want to fuck up with Tako. I want things to work. I need to get over all this bullshit I have inside of me first for me to know in my heart of hearts that this is the guy I'm going to be faithful and loyal to. I know what I am, I know what my vices are and I know I can defeat them when I'm ready and able to and I can be awesome to Tako and be a wonderful girl to him.


You've got this new head filled up with smoke
And I've got my veins all tangled close
To the jukebox bars you frequent
{They're} the safest place to hide
A long night spent with your most obvious weakness
You start shaking at the thought you are everything I want
'Cause you are everything I'm not

And we lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way

My inarticulate store bought hangover hobby kit, it talks
It says, "You, oh, you are so cool."
Scissor shaped across the bed, you are red, violent red
You hollow out my hungry eyes
You hollow out my hungry eyes

And we lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way (worst way)

{I bite my tongue. I take my time and}

I'm gonna make damn sure that you can't ever leave
No, you won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me
I'll make damn sure that you can't ever leave
No, you won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far...

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way (worst way)

I'm gonna make damn sure
I just wanna break you down so badly
I just wanna break you down so badly (damn sure)
In the worst way (worst way)

past rants - future ramblings

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