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2004-01-07 - 11:06 p.m.

Uncle Michael came over today because he's going to be Little Brother's sponser for his confirmation and he got on his ass about being bad and everything. I don't think it'll change anything, but I've also been waiting for someone to kick his ass like that. :) Today was the meeting and STILL no Danei. How dare he have a life!!! Anyway, Mela was there and she wants me to tell this one dude that she likes him. THis ought to be interesting.

I gave Jaime the picture in a nice golden frame and he liked it a lot. :) Jane also got me a present, a bunch of bath/body products. I like it a lot. I hope I'm not turning into a girly girl.

The night was on New Year's resolutions so we all wrote letters to God to improve ourselves and in a year we'll get the letters back.

I saw my beautiful one again, Carlos, and I casually asked him for his phone number, but he said that he didn't feel right about it because he's friends with Maggot. I'm sad about it, but I think that things might turn out for the best in that situation.

I'm starting to freak right now because of my responsibilities and because I don't ahve a job anymore, but I know I'll just have to take it slow for right now. I hope I get a job soon. Well, I guess I'll have to just wait and see...


past rants - future ramblings

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