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2008-12-17 - 9:24 p.m.

I woke up pretty darned early so I can call the deposit place to put money on Saul's books. I got the transaction through, yay!, I started feeling my throat swollen and my nose stuffy and I was like DAMNIT, took some sudifed and got ready to take my dad to the industrial doctor the company he works for is making him see.

Since it's been cold and rainy lately, I dressed up uber warm and bundled on the top, complete with warm hoodie jacket, gloves and beenie. Dad and I drove to the docs which took a while but I entertained myself by looking at some of the magazines in the office. They were up to date! Dad came out an hour later and we were both starving so we went to Jack in the Box. That's when Saul started calling me and I couldn't answer the phone cos I had no money on my card. I felt really bad cos he called me for like two hours straight.

Me and dad decided to check out Mervyn's since it was going out of business. We got my mom a really awesome gold necklace with a pearl on it that's she's going to flip about! Dad saved over $230 dollars on it! I checked out some really freakin' cute ankle boots that I've been dying to get, but I'll wait a bit longer. I was really glad dad went out of his way this year and took me along to get my opinion, he got mom's taste spot on.

We then made our way to Han's, Dad said he'd spot me the money to get some hair dye. He's a very VERY tight man with his money so I was like "Kewl!" Then to the bank, post office, then home. I made sure Dad was comfortable, retreated to my room for a while then started on a really awesome dinner. Everyone really liked it!

Saul called me after that, we talked and it was a good but hard conversation to have. I love him so very much and I want to do good for him, and I get sick of myself because at times my old self comes out and I don't want it to. But being honest with Saul is the best thing I can do for both of us. Hearing him tell me he still trusts me and forgives me makes me want to die, I don't know how he found me but he did and I'm glad. I told him I have to buy a new box to keep his letters in :) I saw some nice boxes at DD's Discounts. I have a lot of boxes here too but hey! I need MORE!!!!! I still can't see him which is borderline torture but I'll see him soon enough hopefully. He said he cut his hair short cos it was damaged and whatnot, I'm curious to see him now.

Mom came home and left right away to take my bro to the emergency room cos he did something stupid on his bike. Dad and I ate dinner together and had ice cream. I'm not supposed to eat ice cream but I did. >.< I ate a bunch of other crap after that which I'm regretting because my lips are puffy from eating too much salt. :( boooooerns But my symptoms of a cold went away. :)

All and all, it was a great to have my dad around to talk to. I'm glad I can show him my respect and caring in this way. Saying I love you to my dad is really awkward and weird cos we don't have that kind of relationship; we do things or buy things for one another to show that. It just works out spiffy that way. Mom just came in and thanked me very much for taking care of Dad today. If I were working he would have had to do all this by himself and I know the meds make him kinda kooky so it's a mixed blessing.

Still no word from Fresh & Easy, I'm still applying to a mess of places. I'm hoping for something soon. I needs moneys!!!!

I'm listening to the cover of I Wanna Be Adored over and over again. I love this song.


I dont have to sell my soul
Hes already in me
I dont need to sell my soul
Hes already in me

I wanna be adored
I wanna be adored

past rants - future ramblings

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