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2008-08-10 - 3:07 p.m.

-I LOST WEIGHT!!!! w00t! Last dr. appt. I was 207 and that was about three weeks ago. Now I'm at around 195! All I've been doing is dedicating myself to eating a lot less and more healthy, lots of water and not eating after 8pm. I've also been kinda sick too but I want to keep this weight loss up. If I start working out (which I am starting tomorrow) I'll tone up really well and look and feel awesome!!!

-After months and months, I FINALLY cleaned out and washed my car!!! OMG, I needed to so badly! It's all nice and shiny and all my stuffed animals are back in thier rightful spot; two kitties in the back windshield, Hello Kitty tigress in the back seat, moo cow in the front seat, all my cats in the dash and Edvard and his big head next to the cats. :p

-I bought some stuff from Circle K last night that totaled $8 including a scratcher and won $4. Life is good. :)

-My grandparents came to visit today! Grandma saw my cat and said, "Aren't you pretty...aren't you pretty...this cat has the devil's face" O.O

-My cat in a bear suit

-I saw this truck parked in the Walmart parking lot and thought it was awesome

-I was waiting for my parents outside of Carl's Jr. cos we were going to meet for lunch. A guy came up to me and was like, "Hey, baby, how you doing?" blahblahblah and I was like, "I'm waiting for someone..." I was wearing a tank top and he saw the bruises on my arms and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, mami, I didn't know you had a boyfriend already" WTF?????? I was like, HUH? and he pointed out my bruises and left. Damn...what the hell kind of conclusion is that to jump on???

-Kevin got me into watching the Venture Bros. It's totally funny! Lots of Bowie references (BTW, Bowie does a voice in episode 26!) I'm seeing a Triana cosplay in the making. We also sort of started watching Tsukiyomi Moon Phase.

-Snacat getting run over by Tamale. (>.<)

sorry it's so dark

-Indie 103.1 FM fucking rocks my socks

-MGMT/Beck playing at the Hollywood Bowl Sept. 20th
Mindless Self Indulgence playing at the Grove October 1st

-New cosplay idea folder in the works in my myspace pics

-I go job hunting tomorrow :)

-I'm getting better/worse

-Michael K was right

-I think I'm being punished and this was the biggest price to pay

-my birthday is coming up

-See you at church!

till we part (by will or by force)
xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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