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2006-05-22 - 9:24 p.m.

25 Relationship Questions

01. Single / Taken / Crushing?

02. Are you happy with where you are?
I am happier than I ever thought I could be

03. When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
OMG, you have no idea...

04. Have you ever had your heart broken?
yes, but t'was only a fracture, I mended it

05. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
yes, but it still hurts

06. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
yes, I have already have in the past, it was hard

07. Ever talked about marriage?
Yes :)

08. Do you want children?

09. How many?
at least 1, no more than 3

10. Would you consider adoption?
hmm...yes, I would

11. If someone liked you right now, what do you think would be a cool way to let you know?
"You wanna go out? We should go out."

12. Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
sometimes, I'm mostly up-front about stuff.

13. Be honest, do you play the 'game' when you're dating?
I used to

14. Do you believe love at first sight exists?

15. Are you a romantic?
I try to be :p

16. Do you believe that you can change someone?
you can change someone, sure, but if they don't want to, you can't make them

17. If you would get married anywhere,money not an object, where would you get married?
in an old castle in Germany totally lit up with candles with all our friends and family with a priest in an old-school casik all gothed out :p

18. Do you easily give in when you're fighting?
if it's something stupid, yeah, whatevs. If it's something I believe in, hell no!!!

19. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
Of course I do...♥

20. Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up?
fuck yeah...:( I still think about it, but I can't change the past

22. What will happen if you come & find another person in bed with your significant other?
blink, smile and say, "Well, I guess you're happier this way," walk away, go home and break down and die inside, eventually try to put myself back together but the lovely thing about Mike is that I know that will NEVER, EVER happen!!!! (I love you, MIKE!!!)

23. Would you ever fight somebody over your signigicant other?
You better believe I would...meow...

24. What would you say about your last ex?
*twitch twitch* grumble grumble *twitch* looks arn't everything...fuck no...isn't worth a damn if the person's ugly inside

25. Is personality more important than looks?
Most definetly!!!! Because someone can be fucking beautiful on the outside and have the most ugliest personality and they'll become ugly on the outside, too

past rants - future ramblings

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