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2004-09-18 - 1:47 p.m.

What villian are you?

You're That Tub of Kool Aid!

You're scary as hell. YOU HAVE NO ORGANS!!!! Go away.

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Esss ssspppooookkkyyy, yyyeeesssss?

Well besides that, still mourning the loss of my cat. Little Brother's in denile about it being Mr. Bones. Understandable.

Everyone's been asking me how's school been. It's alright, except for the fact that every day after class I have to bang my head against the desk repeatedly so I can feel again.

Everyone's also been asking about me and Vidal. Me and him just went to the mall yesterday to shop for Little Bro's and Adrian's b-day presents. I felt like I dragged him everywhere, but he insists that I didn't. Here's a list of stuff I got (all of it under $45 cuz I'm a bargain hunter and I know a lot of cool people that work at Hot Topic):

Red Striped knee-high socks (for Little Bro)

A pin that says "Sarcasm: Yeah, that'll work" (for Little Bro)

a lighter that says "I smoke. F*@$ing deal with it" (for Little Bro)

A Gothic Beauty magazine

a CD of "vampire" music

Perfume (which I'm taking back, it smells soapy)

a hook-and-eye corset top

a $15 gift card from Hot Topic (for Adrian)

a White Chocolate Dream ice blended coffee at Coffee Bean

The funny thing is I got all of Little Bro's gifts at Torrid. hehehe. Foooony.

Vidal is cute, though; he wanted to try on dresses with me. :p LOL. There's only one thing that really sucked; I talked to him yesterday and we had a really weird conversation and somehow we both started crying really hard. I don't remember how it got to that point, as my medication makes me black out from time to time, but I do remember I was so upset by the end of it I went to Tonzy's house at 3:30 in the morning. (And he was still up) We talked and he cheered me up and I'm so glad to have a friend like him.

Other than that, me and Vidal are fine, thank you. We worked everything out.

Everyone's been asking me about my sickness: it sucks. My vicodine doesn't work anymore. I'm going to the doctor to get vico-profrine. (stronger shit, trust me) My back spasms a lot during the night and there is constant pressure on my upper back. It hurts to the point of tears. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. With the possibility of surgery, I am not afraid to say I'm scared beyond belief. But I just have to trust. I'm not afraid of dying, especially to die young. I've always known since I was very young that I was going to die young. (either from an illness or a car crash)

The only thing I'm scared of is dying without the chance to talk to a priest first.

Adrian's birthday party is today. Par-tay! :p

God Bless and take care, everyone.


"The smile on your face was the most disgraceful thing used to betray me"

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