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2005-09-25 - 12:06 p.m.

center>Robots Rising Show

The Robots Rising show was pretty rad! I got there with Dwayne with no Tonzy cuz he had to work. :( The BP/SV game was going on right in front of his house so there were a lot of cops. :p (BTW, does anyone know who won?) We met up w/ Ron, Ron's girlfriend, Mayra, Steve, and Steve's bro Chris. I spent most of my time with Steve, of course! :p I have come to the conclusion that I'm just his weekend fling, but that's ok. It's better that guessing, right? He's such a sweetie, anywho. <3 I think he was confused because I was being really quite and he was like, "What do you want from me?!" basically or something and I kissed him and he's like, "OK, that's all I wanted to know!" LOL, dork.

OMG, the show was completely awesome possome! I love how Dwayne moves onstage. Is sexy. :p hehe. After the show, we all piled in the van ('cept for Ron, his gf, and Mayra. Mayra told me that Steve is basically mine, but I have to wait. ::shrugs shoulders:: ok...) Chris got shotgun, so it was me and Steve in the back and it was nice because he held me and kissed me. Awww! :p

Back at Dwayne's place, after trying to find a place to eat at 2 am then finally going to McCrappy's (ECH!!!), we watched TBS and Chris and Steve had some brandy to calm down. Steve talks A LOT when he's drunk!!! We all went to sleep around 5 in the AM. It was Chris in the garage, Dwayne on the bed and me and Steve slept on the floor. :) He was snoring really lound through the night, though. :( We all went to drop me off around 12 pm. I miss Steve, like always. :p

A little after I came home, the parents said we're going to go to Bahooka to meet up with the Grandparents to celebrate Jer's birthday dinner finally. After we came home, I slept. :) Except Amelindy woke me up. Grrrr. But after that, sleeeeeep.

Luis's Party

I woke up after 3 hours around 7 pm, took a shower, and then Mela and Tonzy came over to hang out as I got ready for the party. Only me and Pam went to the party cuz Tonzy didn't want to hang. Me and Mela stood together a large part of the night. The first person we ran into was Vidal. Bryant was there too. (Uh...::gag::) Mela and I danced, ate, and I had my share of Smirnoffs. :p I really should have eaten BEFORE I drank, though. :p Stupid me.

I ran into Ernesto there!!! I was like, OMG, it's him!!! (For those who don't know, I've had a crush on this guy since I met him, but gave up after I heard he didn't like me) He hugged me for a long time and then before I knew it, we were making out!!! It was the craziest shit!!! But then we was getting really grabby and that made me a little Hmm... you know, cautious. We talked for a while and he told me that he liked me a lot and that I was pretty and whatnot. He has a rep of being a man-whore so I was kinda like, OK...but I was also enjoying the attention. :p But Vidal was there giving me the evil eye and, if you don't know, Vidal does NOT, I repeat, NOT, like Ernesto worth a damn. But I met Ernesto way before Vidal, so I was like, oh shit, there better not be drama.

After a while, we were all hanging out on the porch and Ernesto was kinda making out with me, but then steps in Vidal. Oh, shit. He was damn near getting in a fight with Ernesto and he tried to sit next to me and whatnot. It was wierd. When everyone else was talking, Vidal grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a park that was near Luis's house. He just wanted to talk to me. I was pretty buzzed at that point, so I was like, whatever, if he kills me, I know Pam knows where I am. LOL He talked to me for a bit and it was a pleasant conversation until he holds my face and kisses me, which made me feel really uncomfortable so we walked back. He said he'd have my back no matter what. I don't know how to feel about that because there was nothing to have my back on, you know?

When we came back, Ernesto was there and he was kissing and hugging me and Vidal was pushing him off me and he started to bite me!!! And he spilled beer on Ernesto's shirt! WTF?! Basically I had two guys fighting/all over me at the same time and that was WEIRD!!!!! But I know this only happened because they were both drunk. Ernesto was telling me that I was his girl now and Vidal wasn't having any of it. Ernesto had to eventually leave and Vidal hugged him really tight and burned a fucking hole in his shirt with a lighter!!! That's scary!!! So I have no idea what idea Ernesto left with of myself, but I can only wait and see.

The rest of the night consisted of me and Mela hanging out while Vidal kissed me on the cheek, bit me and punched me. Oh, and we were trying to make sense of Phil because he was quite toasty after a bit of drinking. We decided to leave around 2 and Tonzy picked us up. I let him borrow my Noe Venable CD and he said he loved it. :) Mad love for Pam for being there with me. She rocks!!!

So all in all, the mixture of beer and rowdy teenager-y headed boys made the night all the more interesting and entertaining. And suppossedly I belong to someone now. Huh. I woke up with a couple of bruises and bite marks on me. And my ribs hurt. ::shurgs shoulders::

I have that Plus Size model's convention to go to right now, so I'd better go.

thank you for the funky time. call me up whenever you wanna grind.

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