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2008-05-14 - 7:42 p.m.

So yesterday was a weird day, but it got a lot better after I got to Tak's. I was supposed to pick up Cyrene, but she got a ride after all. I was jittery and in desperate need of a ciggy when I got to Taks and we shared a smoke and talked about how the day was weird for both of us in different ways. Maybe it's just the change in times in both our lives and our current dis-attachment to our surroundings or the fact that some days are just really fucking weird. Either we were still in the same strange boat but things got better as the night progressed. Smoking my reds and then cloves might not have been a good idea but it was a good distraction and something to do in between words.

He made me a pizza awe and got one for himself and we ate in his new room which he spiffed up quite a bit in the short time he'd set up his desk. We listened to some music and talked some more when Cyrene and her boyfriend Hammid came. I gave her a ghetto-ly wrapped gift and they saw his new room. We broke out the beer and wine, fired up the hookah and sat outside for a long while talking and conversing about this and that, past and present, tattoos, friends, animes and other such things. The wine tasted oh-so good!!! And I felt really relaxed, not all dumb or like crazy, I felt really good!

After the hookah was done we went to Tak's room and watched some anime before Cyrene and Hammid had to leave. I stuck around for a while longer watching this really kick-ass anime called Dai Mahou Touge, it was soooo awesome! Tak and I ate the last of the plums and I took some video of him while he was drunk. :p He was falling asleep when I left :p I left late to sober up and hung out with Le Tigre. I took a few pics of his kitty with the dilated eyes. LOL

PICS: (click to enlarge)

at the compy on his new desk, Tak plots destruction from his desktop

Tak, Cyrene and Hamid immortalizing the moment

Asahi and ikaten, a winning combination!!!!

um...but not together at the same time!!!

drinky drinky kitties

wow, such a badass! ;)

my whale shirt is epic and my buzz is calming

the dog is watching us...

The Big Lebowski mask :p

Fear and Loathing and Las Vegas mask

This morning was so kewl because I got an unexpected call from Tak and we talked about Gnarles Barkely's DJ work for Danger Mouse and the crazy costumes his band does for performances. :p I love getting phone calls from him. :) I'm gonna miss talking to him about random awesomeness and crazy goodness. Moo!

This morning was awesome cos I found my Save the Humans whale shirt and wore it. And I had my hair up so my layers fell in my face and it looked like I had this cute short flapper style haircut. Squee! I saw a bunch of old faces like one of my best guy friend from my 9th grade year, Tony D. We didn't really talk but it was nice to see him. I saw an old employee's husband, I commented on his tattoos. He told me about Home Depot hiring and stuff, that was awesomeness!!!! I saw my friend Lizzy and her friend Nathan. We talked about her being roomies with Spam possibly and just chatted in general. Her friend was super nice and kewl and I really missed Lizzy.

A man riding an electric cart came to my line today. He slowed down like he was gonna ask me a question so I leaned forward to listen and he told me, "You are very pretty." and I smiled and said "Thank you." That was really kewl/weird.

The rest of the day was uneventful except that I meant to ship something that someone won on an ebay auction but totally spaced on getting the item!!! >.< (I got the package slip and envelope though, I was full of fail!!!) and a new guy shadowed me named Paul. I found out that they made him shave off his mohawk, that he recently turned 20 and also recently got married. Wow. But he's a kewl cat, he'll be okay at Walmart so long as he gets out soon. I told him about Palladium and he's going to look into hit. Sweet.

Now I'm home, regretting that nasty frozen stuffed chicken I bought at Walmart (the picture looked good, but the actual product SUCKED!!!!) and am giving out my free expert design opinion. LOL

Tomorrow is the Steampunk Improve show! Going with Asian Mike aka MPsy
I get out at 1 on Friday! YAY!!!! Let's do something!!
Sat. party party party, gonna bring Le Tigre with me
Sunday was planned to be a Ren Faire day but I'm not sure anymore.
We'll see.


i like wide!

past rants - future ramblings

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