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2008-05-02 - 11:20 p.m.

I've been feeling like some thing's missing, some thing's going to leave me and some thing's going to find me. Normal things I suppose. It's gotten me a bit down these past two nights. I feel like I'm wasting my time with something but at the same time I can't bear to part with it. I feel like I'm always trying to find the right words to say and when I finally do they're dismissed mindlessly like they didn't matter or they weren't understood. I feel an empty space in me and I know not why or when this happened. I think it's because I know it's going to be empty soon. IDK. Life fucks up the brain sometimes.

Tak's glasses came in today but they were slightly damaged. We're going to get everything all sorted out before we commit to getting the prescription in.

There's a really cute new girl at work, I just wanna hug her head! She's got a Hello Kitty head tattood on her wrist. Awe :p

I gotta stop giving the customers attitude, I'm gonna really get in trouble if I don't.

I met up with my friend Luis aka Squee! today for the first time in months. I feel like every time we meet up we say the same things though. I enjoy his company but it's good that we meet up every few months. We went to Red Robbins and walked around the mall. I got two new shoes, one open toe flats with hearts on it, one girly heels for my Steampunk meet tomorrow at the Ren Faire with Mike P. I also got this really awesome hat from Hot Topic from the clearance rack. I talked to Liz and her friend who's name escapes me right now (it's long and Mexican and begins with an M, I know that LOL) but he's cute. :p Every time he sees me he always says, "Hey, weren't you here last time?" hehe He gave me a hug today, awe <3 I joked about how I lived there and I sleep in the t-shirts. Squee bought the new MSI CD just because Johnen Vasquez did the artwork, he texted me later to tell me that he liked the music! muahaha more for the militia! :p Since the website didn't carry my size in the dress they sell, I'm going to make my own out of the shirt I got at the last show, it's big enough, trust!!!

I hung with Le Tigre before taking him to work, he's got overnight shift this week. Vidal called to see if I could give him a ride to and from work but I couldn't. I felt bad. :( I'm excited about the Ren Faire tomorrow, I get to hang out with Mike P. at the Steampunk meet and get to wear all new things; the dress, slip, hat, leg warmers, jacket, everything is new! I'm affixing St. Magdalena's patch to my new jacket. The weather's supposed to be cool tomorrow. I'm very tired and have a lot of thinking to do. Lot of thinking. *sigh*


So at this hour
without delay
pluck the vibrating strings;
since Fate
strikes down the strong man,
everyone weep with me!

past rants - future ramblings

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