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2009-08-01 - 7:02 p.m.

Updates as far as the month of July are concerned. I have a lot of pictures to post up. Last month was very eventful in good and bad ways, I still can't believe so much has happened in such a short period of time.

For the time being, I'll update a little about yesterday and today:

I went to see Repo! Shadowcast and ran into Jen-Jen and her boyfriend's sister! That was awesome! There were a LOT of steam punk people there, and the new theatre is wonderful! I have my costume picked out for next month already.

And for those who want to come next month with me, it will be special cos it's on Aug. 28th and they will start showing the movie at midnight, Aug. 29th which is MY BIRTHDAY! And for those further interested, that Saturday I'll be at Disneyland with my friends & cousins, if you want to come with, let me know! I'll do a separate blog about it when the time comes sooner! Party is pretty much no right now, I have no money to fund one.

And today I drove by myself 2 hours to Tehachapi to see Saul <3 I'm glad I can make these trips now, a few years ago I knew I'd be too frightened to and now I'm not! I talked with him for an hour, it was very sweet. I miss him so very much. He has 4 holds on him (cases being investigated) right now unfortunately but hopefully they will either be dismissed or filed soon for sentences to run concurrent with one another so he'll still get out next year and the statute of limitations runs out. He's going to be moving to mainline (the prison where he'll serve the remainder of his sentence) very soon, don't know if he'll be farther or closer. But we'll have contact visits (!) and we'll be able to take pictures. :) After he gets out he's got a good plan so I'm glad for that. Then we can get to know each other again, readjust to outside life and examine our options for the future. <3

I was very scared and felt very helpless at first hearing about those holds but it's something that was always a possibility to come up. Also, he's not eligible for fire camp because of the holds and anxiety disorder. Oh, well, que cera.

My room is still in boxes, looks like it will be this way until I find some young men with strong backs to move my furniture. (I'll pay you in food and beer!) I'll be staying at my grandma's tomorrow until Monday.

C'est le vie, mon amies

xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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