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2007-10-08 - 5:23 p.m.

woke up with every intention of going to the docs to get my last round of hpv vaccine

Woke up

Talked over some plans with Tak

we planned to fix up some parts of my costume

attempted to get up though I was zapped of energy

and slept


and I woke up

and myspaced it up a bit

and went to the couch

and slept

and got attacked by my pit bull, loving thing he is

Ate food with Tak

got a call from Torrid <3

woot! exciting

slept more

I'm showered and dressed now on my way out to hang with Le Tigre

hehe :D

Tak said we had a "stoner" day without even being stoned


I just needed a restful day

I've been on the go so much lately
I can't remember the last time I just stood home and rested

I feel good :)

xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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