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2007-05-15 - 3:58 p.m.

This morning was cold, so it being comp shop day (and I can wear almost whatever I want) I layered my outfit, but it ended up being too hot for my camo hoodie. :( BOO! Dawn in the office was way stressed because of Thursday being Inventory day. Argh. Good thing us cashiers don't have to do anything but be cashiers! Hooray!

I got asked to leave Walgreens today. XD teehee! I took care of all the local stores first because I needed to go home and get something I forgot. I took a nap and off I went again. :p

When I got into Azusa, my brain was just buzzing because of a WEIRD dream I had last night; I dreamt I was in my kitchen and all of a sudden I realize I'm 8 months pregnant (don't ask me why 8 mo., I don't even know why) and then it jumps to be giving birth on the freakin' carpet in my hallway!!! Then it jumped to me holding the baby (that looked like a fake one with a really big head and blank eyes) and my dad was desperately taking out all the kitchen towels so I can lay him on the floor or where we keep the napkins in our house. It was way freaky!!! :p

WHen I was in Toys R Us today, I was in the games section swinging my leg when I barely heard my phone go off, Tak had sent me a text that read:

i <3 u



and that was weird because I was thinking about how it's going to be a bit harder for me and Tak to see eachother because I'm expanding my hours at Walmart for extra dough and I was kinda sad thinking about it, but that little text like, totally made my morning and let my head stop buzzing for a little bit. :D It was so out-of-the-blue and thoughtful, awwwweee!!! :D And I know we're gonna work it out if we try :) I <3 Tak, he's the sweetest.

I'm totally stressed right now, I barely had realized it today as I was leaving Albertson's. The parents riding me about college is getting me all out of sorts. My face is breaking out a bit and my hair is falling out...a whole lot...like, almost as bad as it used to in high school and once again I'm late on my period, but that could be a whole other thing, gotta check that out... *sigh* once I get all this placement testing crap out of the way and shit, I'll be a lot better. I really hate the idea of going to college, spending all that money on classes I have to take but arn't really going to pertain to anything I'm doing and spending all that time, too. But I's gots to do what I's gots to do. :D

K-Mart was my last store today so I got a supreme sub from there. (the subs from the cafe are BOMB!!!!) I had a half hour to kill so I went to Morgan Park, sat under a shady tree and ate my sub. :) It was a welcome change of pace and I got to commune with nature. LOL

I also got some deals from the stores: bubbles! (2 for 99 cents), two tiny composition notebooks for 99 cents, vienna sausages (2 for 99 cents) and a lot of gum. :p I was in a gummy mood.

The only thing I don't like about comp shopping is that it's a bitch to print out my $$$ comp for gas and it's a bitch to find a supervisor to give me my monies. Maria gave me my money today, she said she got scared when they called her to give me my money cuz she thought that I got fired or quit. :) I like being liked at work. :D Tomorrows I go to personelle to check out info about my benifits!!! Hopefully I racked up some vacay time and can go on vacation soon. I think I get 2 weeks. :)

Till tomorrow...


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